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What is this
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If it was growing near pines its poisonous. Severe liver damage. Amanita bisporigera
Like September 20, 2020
Deadly lethal Amanita. DO NOT CONSUME‼️
Like September 20, 2020
That is a hand.
Like September 20, 2020
What are the best things to do on dmt.
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I juggle torches on DMT just to challenge myself.
Like August 12, 2020
Nobody goes to the beach or anything? Everything looks crazy.
Like August 12, 2020
First few times I would suggest a private quiet place. Once you know how it effects you then you can try a park, the beach, a Forrest, etc. Most can’t really “do” anything on DMT unless you are taking a small amount or microdose. I can’t see anyone biking, playing video games, swimming, etc on a med... View More
Like August 12, 2020
the beach is dope on dmt ! Actually everything is dope lol but last time i hit it on the beach these giant round ententies were gliding on the water and darker human shaped enteties were surfing the waves it was crazy and the sacred g was intense
Like August 12, 2020
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