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I’m gonna get straight into it, I’ve been getting lots of motivation n positivity from friends, but lately a few of my close family members, who I cannot avoid seeing, have been making snide com... View More

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Your realization that removing yourself from the situation is a good response, I agree with this 100%. If these people do not and will not stop with these type of comments, then dont even give them the chance to act upon it. it wont happen over night, but if you keep making the effort to keep purpos... View More
Like February 9, 2024
Thank you for responding. You're right, I will give it a go, hopefully it works. I'm positive, I think it will. Thanks again, I really appreciate your reply.
Like February 9, 2024
You are very welcome.
Like February 9, 2024
I'm very spiritual, meditation, psychedelics etc, and I'm working on big things, trying to make the world a better place. I stay at home working, reading, working out, only spending time with family a... View More
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I took the second road you described. It has had its ups and downs. I sometimes wish for something different, but I’ve “locked” myself into a narrower path than I would like. Mortgage, child, and responsibilities limit my options. I don’t regret a thing. I know myself well enough to know I have a hi... View More
Like September 16, 2023
Hi, thank you for your response. You basically told me what I already knew but wanted to confirm, I guess. It all seems to lead back to happiness being within us. We can be happy anywhere doing anything, that's how I feel. That's why I usually lean towards staying where I am, and letting the knowled... View More
Like September 16, 2023
Question about meditation
So for all these people who are meditating to unlock their psychic abilities n shit, like with the energy and stuff, is there a specific type of meditation we should be doing?... View More

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I've heard of many of the abilities achieved through meditation. If you would like to have them then seek it but I don't believe it is essential this day in age as a whole we should be just focusing on compassion and spreading the knowledge of meditation. I think individuals can seek these abilities... View More
Like May 30, 2023
I definitely understand what you're saying, and spreading compassion n love is all good, but I hear all these things about how we're literal spirits, and multidimensional entities in a human body, and we're capable of all these crazy things, and I was wondering if I should work towards that. I guess... View More
Like May 30, 2023
Have you read “Autobiography of a yogi”? It will open you up to the psychic possibilities and you may then choose to find a kriya yoga teaching which seems like one the proven ways to attain super natural powers. I spent 5 or so years doing hardcore practice 4-5 hours a day and yes, I could see au... View More
Like May 31, 2023
I hear what you're saying shaboy. I do agree, a general sense of love and compassion is just as important, we want to spread these feelings. I guess we don't really need those superpowers, or maybe when the time comes we'll know what to do and how to use them, but for now, just keep spreading love.
Like May 31, 2023
Is it cool to just drift and do whatever to get by, or should one have a profession?
I'm stuck between music, which I enjoy and am good at, but may not bring the best future, and studying architecture,... View More

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@shaboy thank you for your kind words. It is a different world, but there are still some similarities. I wish I'd gone when I wanted to go, when I was around that age. I'm not that much older now but I don't want to keep postponing my dream. I feel like it's what I'm meant to do, like travel won't b... View More
Like February 1, 2023
@AcidFriendly I'm going to give it a shot, I'll let you know how it goes
Like February 1, 2023
As NotAMycologist mentioned, whv's are the best option for travelling. You can only get them once in your life and are mostly restricted to age 30/35. You are allowed to travel freely and work in any job you want, also a good opportunity to find what drives you! I once visited New Zealand for a year... View More
Like February 1, 2023
@cornetto , the biggest paper trip I ever had was my first plane ticket ! Hardest thing is buying one, after that you just gotta go! Death awaits, would you rather die regretting what you did or what you didn’t do? I was 23 traveling in India when the girlfriend I met there asked me how I saw my f... View More
Like February 1, 2023
Had a mushroom trip where it felt like I went to a party. There were so many different people, but all were confident, cool, and interesting. Were they parts of myself or separate beings? It almost fe... View More
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I guess it's a possibility, but I feel like I have no way of knowing for sure. I can be like that at times. Maybe they were potential selves. Or they could have been other people. But they were in my mind, so I do feel like there is something specific to me. I really don't know.
Like August 17, 2022
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