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Animal Energy
shroomday0117 i know for sure that would not be trying to get people to post in the groups for any reason other than to help publicize how the site works as intended for constructive reasons. Enough to bother commenting and saying it cause i would feel bad for her to be misunderstood in tha... View More
Like April 17, 2020
your exactly right! Just because the government mandates something doesnt mean its legitimate. They can only draw their power from thin air and by people playing into the system of voting. If we all stood up and said you do not control me, i will not comply! how could they claim to hol... View More
Like April 17, 2020
shroomday0117 nooo worries friend, shit happens, its all good 1f642.png I am happy we were able to talk about it! I can be a pain in the ass lolol just ask ALX8721 1f602.png also thank you for stickin up for me and ALX8721 1f642.png Love you guys!
Like April 17, 2020 Edited
Shroom day where does it say that everything is united states property shroomday0117? Im not doubting you, id just like to see that for myself. I know the the united states is a corporation and ive heard that theres a number on the back of our birth certificate can be linked to NYSE.
Like April 17, 2020
Im glad I was called weird growing up. I've been humiliated, called names, backstabbed but finally Ive found my tribe! They're weird like me
34 people like this.
Hell yes
Like April 7, 2020
I’m never been drawn to normal people, only weird people have something intersesting to say and i always learn something , so if your weird you have something to teach. And one day someone like me will aproach the weird one and in doing so recieve a great reward by learning something new and gaining... View More
Like April 7, 2020
I stay weird AF bro im with ya!! ✌
Like April 7, 2020
We are finally home!
Like April 8, 2020
haha the feelings are shown in color!
Say hi to a new friend . Let's show him some of our famous DW hospitality.
7 people like this.
Welcome friend
Like February 4, 2020
Welcome to the World!
Like February 4, 2020
Like February 4, 2020
1f642.png awesome! I'll take that in!
Like February 13, 2020
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