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Status Update

Beef Queef
A buddy of mine gave me 4 2mg kpins. Hell yeah, and he said he'd give me more
6 people like this.
Just be careful with those. They should have a warning "may cause people to do stuff they would never do and say" lol benzos withdrawal can suck really bad. But none the less there fun. I just like to give people warnings just incase they aren't knowledgeable in such things
Like October 1, 2019
Beef Queef
Absolutely. I'm personally aware of the risks, so Im definitely not tryna get hooked. Imo they're not fun, just chill, but with a little euphoria and boredom, with a similar body load to being tipsy
Like October 4, 2019
@beefqueen 100% i would think most of us here a fairly knowledgeable in these types of drugs. I just will give everyone one a warning just incase. Its such a horrible addiction. So if i save save one person it was all worth it. Plus being a central nervous depressant it can get a little dangerous i... View More
Like October 4, 2019