by on February 23, 2021
I cant exactly call this a trip report based on what I experienced because I can barely remember anything that happened.
From what I can tell you, I took too much and was irresponsible with the DXM dosage lol. However it was the most fucked up I’ve ever been in my life. The main thing I can remember is I would be talking to my friend and I would repeatedly zone out, and be teleported - suddenly looking around the room to be in a foreign place I didn’t recognize whatsoever, while my friend is still beside me talking. It would feel very old, like Ancient Rome or something times? Stone sculptures and things like colosseums. I would even tell my friend “okay I’m not here right now...” and he’d ask “what?” With the response “I’m not mentally in this room... I’m legitimately somewhere else” while describing the surroundings. Then boom, I’d be back in the room.
I remember trying to switch the show on Netflix and my friend telling me “you know you’re just staring at the screen right?” but I was convinced I was handling my laptop and going through the shows, and could barely form a sentence when trying to speak to explain what I was doing. We both just laughed about it, because he too was experiencing the same thing (only he had taken less than I did).
This was all fun and games until I needed to use the wash room. After using the bathroom I went to stand up and the DXM must have peaked again at this point because I immediately lost all motor skills and fell on the floor. However the fall was the weirdest fall I’ve ever encountered, in fact I still question if it was real just because of how I remember it happening.
When I stood up the world seemed to twist and turn, and everything was in very slow motion, the entire fall until I got up onto my feet again. The only thing convincing me that I did fall is a small bruise that I didn’t have before.
The rest of the night I can’t really remember, aside from small things like seeing very colourful “glitching” in OEV, kind of like a VHS filter in real life.
I’ll definitely try this again, but in less dosage.
Posted in: Other Psychedelics
Topics: 1cp-lsd, dxm
1 person likes this.
Sounds terrifying.
Like February 23, 2021
At times it definitely was, but it was also fascinating most of the time. I was left wondering if I had somehow actually astral projected to somewhere or some time. I can also remember closing my eyes and watching an entire landscape form. At first it’d start off as some red neon shapes then it’d e... View More
Like February 23, 2021 Edited