by on January 6, 2021

the ego is the most fucked up concept ever

it makes you feel so big (and sometimes so small), like the whole universe is just your own self, your life, you, you, you, how people perceive you, what you think, what they think about you, what you you you you

in an atmosphere of separation, coming out of the closet is about simply connecting, which should be a human right

but especially in these times of pandemic, social media has become the only way

in times of deprivation of the healthy hormones that we normally release when in contact with others, we think that getting validation on social media is bad because it's addictive

but the thing is, if we were getting it from face to face interactions we wouldn't need it on a virtual platform


one should spend their life relativizing their earthly issues or die trying

i'd feel stupid to realize I'm a grain of sand on a beach on the last big DMT hit at the death of this body (an ephemeral magical gift, with an internal circulatory system that i'm personally fan of) when it's already too late to realize that we're never separate from others, we simply do not exist as individuals but as a society, a tribe, or a family I mean a net of beings that even without talking communicate through a magnetic field that ties us to a same reality, in which each individual's progress or growth benefits to everyone and each skill developed by one, shared by others till some day at some point we reach a peak that'll take us to the next level

i don't know what's gotten into our heads that made us such a futile generation, but i see humans thinking they are walking gods on earth and i'm like do these people actually know this is going to last for a few years and then it's over or do they actually think this lifespan is enough for maturation and that they've figured it out already?

the western philosophy of rapid living, deadline, hierarchy, corporations, makes us think that when we die we die with our unachieved goals, so it promotes stress and anxiety, low self esteem for those who walk slow and are qualified of laziness, the artistic souls among us who have gasped concepts that go beyond what seems to be today's needs

on the other hand, the eastern philosophy that believes in reincarnation promotes meditation, the reconnection with one's self and slow living, minimalism, acceptance, because if you fail this time you can always come to maturity the next time, it is okay to be true to your own vibe and not force yourself to fit in if it's killing you inside

It seems like the only archetypes of wisdoms are monks and life coaches among which a good part promotes ideas like "the secret", "law of attraction", unironic "tarot", dark magic, and such coping mechanisms that are shallow to the bone

when will come the time to just be good for being good? a time for empathy

let's all be modern hermits

yes there's a god, if that helps you cope

no, talking to a camera won't give you serotonin or oxytocin and you're gonna get it prescribed if you lack it

nowadays empaths are the odd people simply because they feel too much, as if this wasn't the most important side about humanity

if you read this and you think you're an empath, you're not special

and you're not a healer neither

we go through life like clouds passing through the sky

and so do our ideas, emotions and actions

it's all real, it all fades but it's important and valid

sometimes we grasp a bit of magic and become gods, which is being creative

a god creates, to me it must certainly be a human then, or something a human tends to be ? the more mystical the idea the bigger the magic

and santa is satan, he's actually a good archetype that can help you feel independant and that people are worshipping without knowing it

so what's esoteric about this ?

jesus was right, mohammed too, except for the pedophilia part, love one another, drink beer if you care too much, take drugs if you're responsible of assuming the consequences of cheat codes, speak your own truth...


oh and if you hate santa, there's always the angelic version of him, lucifer, who tells us "as above so below" (check the Kybalion, even if you don't grasp its meaning at first it will make sense over the years)

lucifer can also be Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds ;) but that's another subject about the hipster revolution

Posted in: Other
7 people like this.
You have a very good understanding of this world; you're certainly correct that egoism and lack of empathy are the fundamental problem. "Lucifer" means "light-bringer"; there is the "dark" practice of Luciferianism, which seeks to obtain knowledge or "en-light-enment" for oneself but then twist it ... View More
Like September 16, 2021