by on September 22, 2020
Last weekend my partner in crime picked some yummy mushies from at her farm house, so she came over to share them with me. It wasn't a high dosage or anything just enough to sit back and enjoy with some chilled music. I'm also a dabber and been dabbing for about 6 months now, and honestly it kinda helped me getting off the bad shit as well. Anyways during our trip, we were laid out in my backyard and I like to meditate when I'm in this state of relaxation. I like to feel the mushrooms work their way through my body and fix whatever they need to fix. I seriously can feel my body tingling starting from my head down to my feet. But then a sensation started happening, it has happened before in my previous mild trips as well. It's like a heartburn but not. My whole chest was on fire and it was like burning like I needed to throw up, but didn't need to. My chest just kept feeling heavier and heavier Lol it was very strange and I turned to my friend and asked her if she was experiencing this too. She said nope not at all. I then explained to her this wasn't the first time this has happened. Then I sat up and focused on this weird feeling in my chest...i then came to the conclusion. The mushrooms are trying to tell me to stop dabbing. Lol i looked at my friend and stared at her dead in the eyes with a serious look on my face. The mushrooms are seriously telling me my lungs are fucking up and they can't fix my shitty lungs on their own, so I need to realize wtf I am doing to myself. I've known my breathing has been getting worse and my cardio at the gym has been harder on me recently. I know my body really really well, and I know when something is off. Now the mushrooms have confirmed it. So now that i finished my last 2 grams of wax, no more for me! Going to chill out on weed all together because I feel like i need to take a break. I been smoking since I was 14, so who knows what will come my way during this transformation. I know my mushies will be rooting for me ;p
16 people like this.
Jackoff Julie
You're probably going to feel really good very soon. Even flower wreaks havoc on your lungs. All smoke is bad for you and has many qualities in common, from cigarettes to weed to cardboard, even wood furnaces will affect your lungs. But dabbing will literally fry your lungs, and not there least of w... View More
Like September 27, 2020 Edited
honestly i know a lot of people who dab. I can respect your decision. smoking dabs can be extremely harmful, especially on an electric e-nail. i definitely suggest doing your research because my dad would always turn the temperature of the e-nail to an ungodly degree. it always made my lungs feel li... View More
Like September 28, 2020
It's like a high THC level and vaporizing it makes you higher
Like September 28, 2020
Just had a kid die not even 30 min away from a fake cart. Respect on our decision, im just gonna stick to my flower.
Like October 7, 2020