by on September 9, 2020
Hey! So this past weekend I brewed around 170g of fresh San Pedro cactus. I had no experience with it so I aimed at the 100-200 mg of mescaline. I definitely shot below threshold because all I felt was a mild buzz, similiar to being stoned. It did come up rather quickly though, maybe 45 min or so. Only at the 3/4h mark did I notice my pupils getting big but I didn't get any psychedelic effect whatsoever. Around the 8/9h mark I decided to take a weed/hash firecracker to kick it up a notch but felt almost nothing. Weird. I went to sleep and the next day woke up pretty sober. Around the 24h mark I took another weed/hash firecracker, a bit stronger, and laid in bed. A couple hours into the high I had a feeling I had never before tasted and the word for it immediately came up to me: a non-dual experience. I had a clear feeling of collapse of the subject-object distinction and felt like I WAS the entire room around me. It was very peaceful, I felt my body kind of being transparent or empty, as if I was being projected into the air in the middle of the room in front of me. I had never felt anything like it and it had that quality of being an 'authentic' experience, it felt honestly weird. I don't know if it was a 'real' non-dual awakening because I had never experienced one before but it felt like something real. It subsided in a few minutes but I kept that feeling that something important had just happened for at least the next day. On the other hand, I would expect that 'the real deal' would be obvious beyond any doubt... I don't know what to make of it. I consider myself a guy trying to wake up and look to psychedelics for help but was definitely not expecting something to come out of the afterglow a half-assed San Pedro experience mixed with cannabis. On the other hand I've been using cannabis for almost a decade and never felt anything like this. I'm open to interpretations and opinions if anyone is willing to give any. I guess I'll have to add this to the 'Non-ordinary consciousness experiences' folder and wait for it to repeat. Thanks!
Posted in: Cannabis, San Pedro, Other
8 people like this.
Fimari, I'm not sure I understood your question. I think the drugs played a part on the experience. The specific context probably also played some role. I said nondual only in the sense that I usually feel like the subject observing some object and in that moment there was no distinction between the... View More
Like September 9, 2020
Uncle Charlie, thanks for sharing. I do look forward to see what San Pedro can teach me
Like September 9, 2020
Possibly, but I didn't know how to do it and was sold the shamanic way
Like September 10, 2020
I basically sliced the outer dark green flesh, put it in the blender and then boiled it into a tea for roughly 3h. That ought to extract the mescaline. I didn't eat the flesh
Like September 11, 2020