by on August 30, 2020

surprise folks here it is that trip report i was talking about in my last report for those who read it and are up to date. thank yall for looking forward to the next and atleast being entertained by me myself and i lol. ok so lets do as alice did and jump down this rabbit hole. this time going in i asked the dmt gods to grant me a plesant trip and show me the best self i am. i put on tool's pneuma song and got some live resin this oily goey waxy dmt like material sprinkled a little dmt crystals on top of all this on a dab nail and i heated my nail. i braced myself but nothing could prepare me for how quickly and thick the vapor was. i at this point not wanting to lose anything took everything in as fast as i could and held it in for about 35 seconds as i laid back on my bed. as soon as i let me hit go finally i could feel it come up my feet like a energy up my body into my head. it was a gentle pleasent feeling like a embracement and i could see huge cubes everywhere with smaller cubes inside all flowing into each other like a snake swallowing itself. at this point its like some has cleaned the slate and energy is forming to the guitar as im floating there and im gently released back into my body and a voice telling me the rides not over. i opened my eyes and both was the voice right my tapestries started dancing and vibrating. the crazy mushie one i got started forming faces in the smaller areas that where smiling and the chakra alignment one above the mushies has a vortex in the background and it was like sucking negative energy up like a black hole. the live rosin really adds a kick to the whole experience and you should try it and lastly shout out to the post that suggestion tool in the first place mush love all may your adventures be grand im out for now going back for another blast off here shortly have fun 

Posted in: DMT, Cannabis
10 people like this.
I feel like there will be a part 2 to it gonna try here shortly see what happens so you guys get 2 trip reports tonight lol
Like August 30, 2020
Hell yeah
Like August 30, 2020
Sorry I completely crashed out last night
Like August 30, 2020
O yea slept like a baby after that
Like August 30, 2020