Animal Energy
by on August 24, 2020
TL;DR: I think I may have perceived an energetic field, shared with others, that I could partially influence (its movement/vibration) with my thoughts and emotions. Wondering whether others have experienced anything similar.
I am relatively new to my understanding of energy, vibrations, and to some extent metaphysics in general. Therefore I am unaware to what degree my experience resembles that of others or perhaps is even common knowledge in the spiritual/psychedelic community. Yet in a way it is this naivete that makes my experience feel to me more remarkable than it otherwise may have. I wasn't going in with many preconceived ideas in this area or even an intention to explore energy at all.
I was on 3 grams from a batch of mushrooms I got from a friend who did not know what strain he was giving me. Meanwhile 2 grams of the same strain was handing my wife a complete dissolution of her reality, so it seems there was high potency. Still, as I lay on the yoga mat outside on my backyard deck, I found myself feeling somewhat disappointed I was not undergoing a more visual experience.
I worked through the disappointment and gained a renewed intention to accept whatever my trip would bring me, rather than wishing it would go a different way. Right around this point of acceptance, I felt my perception increase. Around me appeared to be something that my mind interpreted as an "energy field." I was aware I could have been misinterpreting it, and stayed open minded to experience it without too prematurely attaching myself to any particular interpretation.
It is hard to describe the field. The portion of the deck I was lying on is under a roof. My eyes remained open looking up toward the roof. The field consisted of translucent geometric patterns that included shapes that would be nonsensical/indescribable to the 3 dimensional capacity of the uninfluenced brain. There was a clear depth to the field; I could differentiate the portion that was closer to the roof from the portion that was closer to me. I found myself reaching out to touch it, but my hand unsurprisingly had no impact on it whatsoever.
My perception of the field extended out maybe 10-15 feet to my right and left, before it dissipated with distance. It felt as if it was a product of myself, my wife, and possibly my dogs who were in this area - as if it was more intense in this area because we were there contributing to it. The field had a vibrational quality, at first exhibiting fairly slight movement back and forth.
I approached it with skepticism, wanting to test whether it could just be a product of psilocin's impact on my rods and cones (merely visual). I moved my eyes back and forth to see if it would follow along with my focus. It did not. As it was faint, I felt another tinge of disappointment that I had to strain to see the visuals, wishing I had taken a higher dose. With this it became even less clear and more still. I renewed my acceptance of the situation, remembering that one of my intentions going in was to work with letting go and accepting. As I accepted, its clarity intensified and its vibration picked up speed. It could have been coincidence, but it appeared to be somehow influenced by (or at least correlated with) my thoughts. The idea of this, whether it was a correct interpretation or not, felt suddenly amazing. As I felt excitement build, the field continued to increase in clarity and movement. I felt a wave of love and appreciation for mushrooms and life, and I looked beside me and generated a loving appreciative feeling toward my wife as well. This too seemed to influence the field to rapidly vibrate.
An aspect of the vibrational quality that added to my fascination was that I seemed to only be visibly influencing the part of the field that was closest to me. A bit farther out, I had the sense that it was influenced more by others, and that through my thoughts and feelings I was contributing energy to a field also receiving contributions from elsewhere. I was one contributor, but not the only one.
If I extrapolated beyond what I could see, it seemed as though all over the world people could be contributing energy to this field in a similar way. Like each of us puts forth energy into a shared field, seemingly through our thoughts and feelings. The idea of "raising your vibration" was taking on a tangible quality for me.
I deliberately suspended any type of conclusiveness and continued to play devil's advocate, trying to test in various ways to what extent I could control it with my vision and to what extent it conversely shifted with my thoughts. Each time, it was my thoughts that appeared to influence it; specifically "positive" thoughts increased its vibration and clarity, while neutral or negative areas of focus did the reverse.
I have seen some evidence that physical objects (e.g., yogurt in the documentary "I Am" by Tom Shadyac) have been made to move by thoughts. I felt like I was seeing some kind of similar overlap of "physical" concepts (shapes, speed, movement, depth, etc.) with emotional content (love, appreciation, disappointment, etc.). And it was clear I was only able to visibly influence the part closest to me; yet the field all seemed connected.
I stop short of feeling conclusive, but most likely I think I was perceiving an actual energetic field, presumably that always exists around us, which our thoughts and emotions have the capacity to influence. I naturally have a strengthened interest in the idea of energy and how it works, and a curiosity whether my experience resembles anyone else's. If anyone has had an experience like this, I would love to hear about it.
Posted in: Psilocybin
13 people like this.
Cool if its meant to happen there’s no escaping it! I’ve got a long, winding and wonderful story about that ....
Like August 26, 2020
Animal Energy
Would love to hear it. Im genuinely interested, still just processing this whole experience!
Like August 26, 2020
Ill have to write it down someday, but hopefully we’ll ve talking soon. Enjoy the eternal process!
Like August 26, 2020
Nice report
Like August 14, 2021