by on August 17, 2020

ok so here goes nothing quite literally the mindset going in. i took a few minutes to sike myself up for the experience and taste and took one decent sized hit while having tool pneuma playing. i gave it about 30 seconds to exhale and gave it like 10 seconds to realize it wasnt enough so i went to getting more a little bit bigger this time and held it for 30 if not longer. laid back and closed my eyes. i literally left this plane of existence and went through a tunnel before exiting to sand very brightly colorful sand of all kinds of different colors in no certain order or anything just shifted color where it chose to. chairs made of what seemed to be energy appeared in a half moon before me and eygptian gods and kings appeared in every seat but one. there was no spoken words the entire trip as i was offered the empty seat and had no control of myself and felt forced to sit down. while we sat there pyramids formed before us and started to fly into the sky before spinning and what seemed to be warping in some kinda weird dance. as we watched this going on i was handed a cup still no control...i drank this bitter tasting tea like substance and at this point it got really strange it feel like something had plugged into my brain and was reseting stuff and moving wires around. as this was going on there was something telling me they know why i seek out otherworldly experiences and have the answers youve been seeking. there is a catch to getting your answer you may not like, leave your body and stay here become the space. at this point it was so vividly realistic and i didnt like the feeling like a computer being worked on and files transfered into and i wanted away from this whole scene. as i came to and back into my body i had a extremely hard time adjusting back to reality honestly and was stuck trying to process everything while still feeling like i was have files transfered to me so much so my wife and friend could see it on my face. i sat there quietly not speaking like my mouth had been welded shut and i couldnt speak for about 5 minutes or so and i grabbed my smokes and had to go sit on the front porch. everyone followed me outside to make sure i was ok as they could tell something wasnt quite right as i sat there smoking i couldnt look at my wife or anyone for that matter and i was looking at everything else in the neighborhood mostly trees and clouds. as i was still having fractals still going on with everything i kept thinking this world isnt real this isnt real and for a spilt second i felt like i was the dudes wife from inception telling her husband this isnt real and swan diving off a building. i obvisously didnt do that as im making this report and alot stronger then that but none the less still hard to adjust back and i felt like i had left a small piece of me on the otherside. it took me over a hour to start talking again and i feel better today but i didnt feel so great in the experience and afterwards felt depressed kinda like no hope kinda feeling. sorry this wasnt such a fun one to tell i promised id do this report and i think its a really good way to help analyze the trip. so before i end this with the message i think this experince was telling me, i have to tell you all this entire summer mainly lucy and shrooms a handful of times ive been tripping as much as i possibly could which has been quite a bit and the day before i was talking to a friend about the alien angel experience and she was like dude maybe you need to take a break from it all. this being said and how everything went this time around i believe i should take a break and clean out toxins in the body. so that being said im gonna take a break and focus on myself for a bit before i go back again. you guys may get a surprise trip report inbetween as im not finish on my spiritual journies and i wanna try this again in silence this time maybe and see if that changes anything for me. thank you guys for reading this lengthy report and and thank you guys even more for the ones that really look foreward to the next trip report and i dive sideways into a everwarping rabbit hole, on the otherside of the otherworldy healing the soul and traveling to places only those who know the way see mush love to you all and may your journeys be grand.

Posted in: DMT
8 people like this.
Always hopefully the next one is eventful in a good way
Like August 17, 2020
Man ive had so many similar experiences. Not being in the same realms but being so mindfucked by the whole experience that its so fucking hard to grasp on what just happened and being completely lost for words when you come back. This hit home bro. Thank you for sharing.
Like August 17, 2020
I'm glad I'm not the only one
Like August 17, 2020
That feeling of holding on for the ride is how i begin all blast offs. I literally, see, sense, and feel the sensation of getting out of like a superspeed subway car as it stops quickly and rotating 90degrees into the seat when peak is finished. Also tool, pneuma... an amazing melody bro. Never tri... View More
Like September 7, 2020