by on July 31, 2020

Dear friends,

Recently i expierence something new, which backs up the hypothesis that the human body is capable of synthesizing DMT on its own.

This is what happend in a nutshell-ish:

Two of my mate's came over when i was looking after the farm house of my dad, we had an awesome time dinking beers and smoking spliffs. At some point we took a 2CB pill (purple Mojo Jojo) and later another one. We had loads of fun and around 3am it sort of worn off, one of my mates was already on the couch sleeping and the other one was standing outside in the grass having a little moment for him self and so did i.. This is where it happend..

I felt really happy and content with the night that we had but all the sudden the atmosphere changed.. something really serious was about to happen, i could feel it to my very core, it was as if the air became thick. I looked at the bush i was standing next to and i kid you not, a holographic alien started to appear out of thin air, the realism of the expierence was mindblowing and i was completly hypnotized by this highly advanced entity. It felt like being in the presence of a supirior lifeform.. a God like creature..

It looked at me and i looked at it.. and Poof, i was gone, i broke through and ended up in a dimension where i could literally see, feel and understand that everything that ever happend and everything that ever will happen is already in existence. A voice said to me: Dont worrie, dont worrie because everything already happend anyway and it will be fine..

After hearing this a visual display of epic proportions was shown to me with indicribable beauty and emotion.

I fell out of it, open my eye's and i was standing next to the bush again still feeling the oneness (almost orgasmic) and when i looked at my arms i could see the seperation being constructed by the atoms around me as if i myself am a hologrom, a projection of something so advanced it can not be understood with a human mind.

And just like that everything was back to "normal", i broke down and cried for a bit, caught my breath and called my mate to try and explain what happend, fortunately for me he understood and gave me a big hug which was very grounding. After i was sooo stoked about what happend, such an increable gift after an night like that, talk about yah cherry on top :heart_eyes::alien::pray:

As it goes.. after the expierence some "confirmations" popped up out of nowhere like this docu ( and a piece i was reading that suggested the human body synthesizes DMT on its own when an individual has a mystical expierence.

Pretty trippy, i'd lve to hear if anyone else has this going on aswell

Lots of love from the Netherlands


Topics: 2cb, dmt, breakthrough, aliens, god
15 people like this.
Cool man, thanks for sharing 1f601.png
Like July 31, 2020
I had a similar experience one time with the appear and disappear half in this dimension alien. It was a lesson in fear because the second I went from wonder the fear it disappeared. Strange I know a few people who had recent alien experiences on psychs. There are many ways to access extraordinary s... View More
Like August 1, 2020
I also have had this same experience with Buffo alvarious the desrt frog I attended a cermony in Devon and had the same orgasmic experience We are all part of the universal evolution of everything and as one living being that we know as God
Like August 2, 2020
Like March 11, 2021