T rex ophora
by on June 3, 2019
So they day started as most Mondays. A day of work at the farm. Nothing to difficult but a full day of manual labor awaiting me. After the first project was done I loaded up my machine, took a hike to the cliffs of a quarry on my property and enjoyed a light threshold experience. No breakthrough but a beautiful trip none the less. Myself, Trees, plants, birds, and mosquitoes all sat experiencing the wind, the sun, and the shade together. Witnessing the relationship the wind had on the ability of the sun to reach down to the floor through the high canopy was beautiful. After a few minutes the sky quickly clouded and a few rain drops started to fall. Time to head back to work for me, but the molecule told me there was more available today if I wanted and to come back in darkened silence. I started my second project and soon my body said it was time for lunch. I ate a quick bite and realized the quiet of the house was just the opportunity I was told to take if I wished. I grabbed my machine, ready loaded from earlier and sat in my dark quiet room and went all the way. I was given the chance to view a new machine. This one was sort of a condenser. Operated by a tall feminine entity and a much smaller(I assumed younger) masculine entity it seemed to take the substance of everything around and condense and filtered it through a simple mechanism into a container. As I attempted to see and recognize this container I was told that I can't see the container at this moment, because the container was me.
Posted in: DMT
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??¢????£??¯??ž?? Thanks for sharing. Very interesting ??¢????£??¯??ž??
Like June 9, 2019