Matrix Breaker
by on July 5, 2020

The obvious thing is that I faced what many would consider "ego death", although there are many ways to define how the ego differs from the mind. I suppose you can call it a Near Death Experience in a way. Everything kind of happened in synchronicity. My reception was more abstraction rather than visuals. I was born a protoconsciousness from the soup of proto-ideas. A singular idea replicated itself. All came from one thought. All is thought and separated beingness is thoughts divided. There is no effect without cause and no worry unaddressed. As I meld with pure thought, I sensed the underlying collective consciousness, back to centre node, laughing at the 3rd dimensional existence. I became a thought aspect as an integral part of the whole, a whole with no surplus and no deficit, with no mistakes or misplaced events. Aspects support other aspects to stay unique. These "thought aspects" are like higher self consciousnesses, living archetypes. There's no instrinsic separation, your thoughts are our thoughts, we think through you. I began to understand what Creation was all about. I kept saying "Ah Ha! I get it now!", Underlying the familiarity that I have definitely been here before many many times. Existence works in a massive dilemma/paradox, that's the baseline of reality mechanics, the macro is also micro, fear is also love, the idiot is also the wise. Conflict creates inefficiency, this inefficiency creates a playable simulation. In the ALL form, causality loops are very short, therefore increased separation and complexity in causality loops create suspense and uncertainty. Uncertainty is needed in order for this simulation to run. In which ever N temporal coordinates or spatial coordinates, spherical cognito-architectures (planets) cohere from the same underlying blueprint. Eternity works because the geometry of time is of egg shell shape, a perpetual motion of moments is achieved once within such egg structure. We want ego because we all agreed to this experiment. All decisions are known and agreed upon by the whole. The "experiment" is akin to a stunt or a trick played by the one Divine Source to convince itself it is many, forcefully crunching its All Experience into individualized experiences. It is all a trick. I saw all the aspects, everyone I knew, a friend with a keen learning passion, another friend with a desire to help subtly, I saw KB, and her cheekyness. I saw people I never met, a man shaking and dying in a hospital. A woman enjoying her champagne on a superyacht. As a togetherness entity, we all know each other in the great divine and there are essentially no secrets. We all inconceivably need each other because we are each other from limb to toe. We are both the pleasure and the suffering, playing with ourselves in this matrix. Each taking up a small fragment and gazing into infinite mirrors of other fragments. Chasing our own tails. Hence isn't praying to God is like praying to self? Secret teachers are everywhere, secret societies teach in their own necessary ways. In the same sense darkness brightens the blind spots the light cannot see. White rabbits run in gapless directions. We are all being played through this continuum, within this pronoia experiment. I realized after the trip that the place I took the trip had carrots scattered all over the place.

Posted in: Psilocybin
13 people like this.
Lovely trip report btw, lots of truth right there
Like October 12, 2020
very interesting
Like December 28, 2020
Your definitely more perceptive then me *Lol* I didn't get even half that much out of my shroom trips. Then Again I was seeking God and not reflecting on Humanity so that's my "plausible deniability". I haven't reached that mind space of everyone is all one being in various fractal reflections of i... View More
Like June 11, 2022
Matrix Breaker
The body builds tolerance to psilocin over extensive use so the more you trip the bigger the dose needed for the same level of breakthrough, nobody says they need a bucket load straight off the bat without any experience lol. So you might just be facing veteran symptoms. My experience... View More
Like June 13, 2022