by on June 27, 2020

   This is my second trip report, but my fourth experience with psilocybin. I used a tolerance calculator to get me to the same level that 4 grams should be after my experience a week before gave me little to nothing more than some light visual distortions. It was around 5.3 grams so I weighed them out and temporarily had them in a baggy. Before I trip, I try to clear my mindset and focus myself on love and light. I usually use my mala while doing a walking meditation coupled with the ol trusty "I am loving awareness" from Ram Dass. I take the dose after I feel balanced and open to divine connection. My intentions set towards finding my calling but to be open to anything.
   30 minutes in a get a very light high that passes after about 5 or so minutes. 60 minutes in and I start reworking an underdrawing I started and still don't feel anything. I accept this as I tell myself "if I were meant to experience anything, I would have. Everything happens for a reason. Just welcome he presence in your body, it will still have health benefits.". No sooner had i finished that thought, something was calling me to take more. I take another gram and within minutes start to get a good body buzz, just enjoying the waves of light visuals and drawing. Then it happens again, "eat more" plays in my head. I eat maybe another .3g and tell myself " Take it easy, you can do a bigger dose later." however, just as i complete the thought it comes back again. "Eat more" so I eat one more. "More, eat more if you want to really have fun". 
   At this point I only had a period of about 20 minutes of patterns on the wall or other small things. I pull out my jar and its as if I am on autopilot. I have the odd sense of which ones to pick out like they are calling me. After another 1.5 grams worth its really bangin now. Full on body high, beautiful colors and wavy room. Then it starts getting really interesting. I start getting a sense of having a co-pilot. In my head in my voice I hear " 3d world is odd. How do you monkeys deal with this body? Lets walk a bit." I give way and get questions in my own voice again asking about little things but then it says "Im glad we don't have bodies like this, 3D world is hard to move in. No wonder you monkeys have a hard time. Our bodies are better, we don't have to move through space really, we are connected to higher realms." Yep. Im being co-piloted by my shroomy pal. " Let me see them" it says as I look in the jar. " These are my brothers and sisters. "Eat (focuses my eyes on one) this one and one more, then you will have fun!". Is this really happening, or am I crazy?
   After I eat the two picked for me, it REALLY ramps up. I am higher than ever, feeling great, wavy to the extreme. Walk around the house, again, autopilot. Come back tomy room and lay down. I ask, " If I can know, what is it i should be doing here, do I have a Mission?". My focus goes to my calender with a beautiful flower filled meadow and in the background is 3 mushroom looking silhouettes, then my focus is drawn to a painting i recently finished ( which I posted recently) that I painted 3 mushrooms on. I was then looking over at the underdrawing when all the sudden I had this very distinct flashback to MY FIRST TRIP and wouldn't you know, i was shown the underdrawing. I say out loud, WAT and then in my head, "Lay down and get comfortable, the show is starting soon.
   I lay down after turning off the lights and lower the brightness on my laptop. "Shows starting, close your eyes." instantly I'm in a dark room and a spotlight shines on a jester, body half white and half black split up the middle. Reminiscent to a full body lycra suit. The division line is metallic silver. Im shown this puppet show and flashes of these paper puppets that almost feel medieval except the joints are metal tacks. It looks much like the puppet show from Dr.Parnassus if you've seen that film. The puppet show explained how we are all experiencing this life exactly how we planned it as souls and that really, at least in this 3d realm we exist in, time is irrelevant as our entire lives happens instantaneously in the realm of our home (which is something I've experienced on a trip as well). Then it explains how we are god experiencing this world and every world, however, our souls are both part of this yet separate. Though eventually we return to the state of united experience as one Brahman, we are free as souls to explore the infinite realms. Then I'm told the jester I see, the one showing the puppet show to me, is actually me in my next form. Suddenly I AM the jester, it was very light and mischievous, filled with delight and joy at all the tricks and pranks I would be dishing out to those who take things too seriously. 
  I ask, after a while "what then are our human forms?". Suddenly, I am now still the jester, yet I'm also a marionette controlled by a larger jewel encrusted morphing jester, skin ever shifting precious jewels and crystals over deep red and green fabric. Hands, mask and feet all solid gold. "Your human form is much like what you observe to be a caterpillar" suddenly I AM a caterpillar, I can feel my mouth parts moving as I eat a leaf. I see a butterfly land ahead. " your human form is either a caterpillar or the chrysalis depending on your actions. Your actions are like vibrations that echo throughout your time as a human form. this is karma." I am in awe of the experience, still chompin down on leaves when I am then told " Does a caterpillar yearn to fly? Yes, of course, however a butterfly or moth will not yearn to return to being a caterpillar, this is the spiritual path.". Then the Jester turns me back into the jester form, then human form.
  The next hour or so is spent as I can only describe as feeling like I am some sort of demigod. I have this feeling that I have froze the world around me and that the universe can be controlled by our souls. "it was made, everything around you in your life, by you" I hear. " you can alter this life beyond your wildest dreams, the universe is yours to command if you are connected deeper. You have to remember.". Slight dialogue about my own life and what I am searching for on this life. Expressing excitement to see this jester form. Then I am told "when you are ready to go back to your world, You will return and time will resume. Live your life and remember it is all a play, an act. A dance with the cosmos in which all is as it should be.", to which I ask what happens too the humans and if we will see the end in my lifetime. I was shown a glimpse of it but told not to worry because I am on a journey of love and light and that it will be at a time least expected by anyone. Then I'm back in my room, looking up at my ceiling feeling like I was floated down into my body. It was all a very beautiful and joyous trip! 

Posted in: Psilocybin