by on June 21, 2020
So I couldn't wait to harvest the blue meanies I've got growing. I picked what I thought was an abort it weighed in at . 4gs I'm like okay it's small I can just microdose. I take it straight and I very much underestimate it. As the sun comes up I get gradually more annoyed as I'm yanking the blinds closed grumbling at the screaming birds I noticed that the mesh was floating and dancing I'm like cool but the sun was annoying me especially with my glasses off. So I lay down excited and frustrated. I was starting to get agitated so I focused on my breathing that's when I really started to feel it. My body felt super heavy and then I started having some visuals. The peak hit fairly quick then I started noticing pain the entire right side of my torso was hurting but I barely noticed it I was really gone. I had the deity Bast appear in my visuals as well as two wolves. Then I passed out hard. Honestly it's still a bit fuzzy I barely remember as it is. When I woke up I felt so nauseous and light headed. Colors were still vibrant music clearer. For some reason I was super grouchy and emotional. All and all a good experience though overwhelming as shit.
Posted in: Psilocybin