by on May 17, 2020

This is my first trip report. It took place last summer. At the time I hadn't tripped in about 6 months, I didn't have a scale cause I hadn't needed one, so I just eyeballed what I guessed to be about 2-3grams out of the eighth I'd bought. I can't remember the whole trip but what I can remember was pretty fucking awesome. At some point after watching Futurama I felt I had to lay down and go to sleep. That's when I slipped into this amazing state where the things I saw rivaled anything I had seen before. First off there were these three sine waves, yellow blue and green, waving, vibrating like guitar strings, and doing hilarious shenanigans. Then they started morphing, not unlike the music video by the Artic Monkees, "Do I Wanna Know?", into complicated multicolored patterns and 3D shapes. The shapes would do things like spin and compress into a spot, then explode into a conical grid of diamonds, which then turned into mandalas and so on and so forth for a very long time. It was better than any movie. The next distinct phase I remember was when the visions seemed to be moving from left to right, I saw a bright yellow haulographic image of the Egyptian pyramids with stars above them, and camels. Before I go on let me mention that this was not on the inside of my eyelids, this was IN MY THIRD EYE! which I hadn't really used in a couple years and gave everything dimension and size and the whole nine yards. Anyway the next thing was while I was watching the show, suddenly a dark grey stereotypical alien went SHOOM! out of the background and right about 6in from my face. We just locked eyes for a long time, and his eyes were jet black with a shine to them. It was like Tool describes in that song Rosetta Stoned, where he said the alien had "somniferous almond eyes". This alien which I just felt was a "he" didn't communicate in any way shape or form. Nothing. He was absolute neutrality. His eyes and demeanour didn't display affection or agression ,he didn't talk or telecomunicate, and after a while he just went SHOOM! Back into the darkness. I also didn't feel any type of way about it at the time. No fear or happiness, nothing. The next episode was a 3D yellow and green viper. I could see through it, it's spine and ribs, into it's coils further back. I could also see it's skull in extreme detail, including it's fangs and venom glands. I watched it in slow motion as it struck, opening it's mouth, swinging it's fangs forward, sinking them into my arm, squeezing it's cheek muscles to inject me. Then I watched the venom go out it's venom sacks, through it's fangs, into my bloodstream and take off. It wasn't scary at all it was mesmerizing.  Anyway that's all I remember. It was possibly the coolest shit I've ever seen, and I've seen some other very cool shit. Hope you enjoyed.

Posted in: Psilocybin