by on May 4, 2020
Hello everyone, and thank you for the warm welcome! Today, I want to share my “Peace on Earth trip” with you all today. Let me start by saying it was the most beautiful day. Me and a friend of mine had planned this trip for a few weeks now, and the time had finally come. We decided to start our trip at around 8 am, which was ?relatively late. We both put 2.25 worth of acid on our tongues and waited for the acid to take over. Usually, my friend has an upcome sickness when we first take it, but he didn’t have one this time, that’s how we knew it was some good acid. It started to show itself at around 1 hour and 30 minutes in. We noticed small changes. We were outside the whole time on this trip, and the place we were at was not what it used to look like. It was beautiful. Imagine looking through the best quality camera ever made. The color of everything was so vibrant, it literally brought tears to my eyes. About 2 hours had passed, so we were nearing our peak. We love smoking weed on the peak, it ? amplifies everything by a billion. We started smoking and things started to change really quick. I remember me and my friend were passing a bowl back and fourth, then we just stopped at the same time. It was like I had no control over my physical body. We both were “paralyzed” in other words, but what was mind blowing was the fact that we were talking, but our mouth were not moving. It was like we were in each others head. Next, I started to notice how my friend had hologram type of fade over his body, like his “ghost” self. We had ? experienced at different type of death. It was so calm, and peaceful. We were floating outside of our bodies, feeling like we, for once, had “Peace on Earth.” My friend said that the ego death we had experienced was what he called “Soul Surfing.” It was amazing, the best part of the trip. Another thing we noticed during the trip were the animals. There were 2 cats and 1 dog. We called them our guardians, because wherever we went they followed and formed a circle around us. To this day, I truly believe they were fighting off evil, so we could have a peaceful trip. -PacoTheSpirit
Posted in: Psilocybin, Cannabis
Topics: acid trip
14 people like this.
OmniLux Was something spiritual. We left our physical bodies.
Like May 5, 2020
Did you discuss the telepathic exchange afterwards?
Like January 12, 2021