by on April 27, 2020
Ive decided I will share with you fine people the teachings of Iboga as I go on a daily microdose protocol for the next 2 weeks.
Today is day 3 and I ingested 3 grams of premium iboga root bark.
Yesterday I was at 2 and day 1 was 1.
I haven't felt this alive in months, Quarantine had really gotten me into a rut and I was becoming complacent. Ive been gaining weight from lack of exercise and falling back on my studies and obligations.
The relationship I've built with this plant is beyond words. It's as if I can hear it's gentle whispers of consciousness in my ear throughout the day.
Lately Ive had difficulty just getting out of bed and brushing my teeth, today I'm up at 5am, had 2 virtual consultations, 1 order fulfilled, went for a walk and took a moment to meditate in the sunrise.
Iboga at low doses works better than any amphetamine it seems. I don't recall it her having such a profound effect on my ADHD?
Perhaps it's because Ive been abstinent from drugs and alcohol since December or maybe the wood just has more active alkaloids than I've tried before?
Anyways, it will be interesting to see what happens in the following days when I get into the 5-10g range.
The plant is telling me I need to focus more on diet. This morning I went to make toast as I usually do and it told me gluten is bad for me so I obeyed and proceeded with fruit and eggs instead.
Last time I followed this protocol I went vegan for 6 months. Perhaps it will shift me in that direction again?
I would really like to share this beautiful plant with all of you.
If you are interested in Ibogaine floods, low dose, traditional Bwiti, or home protocols, get in touch with me and let's make it happen.
Namaste' ❤
Posted in: Other
Topics: ibogaine iboga
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