by on April 13, 2020
Not sure if I should’ve just posted this as a status or not ... Hope this finds who it needs to find :-)
"If you want to change the world,
start by changing yourself."
I never fully understood the meaning of this saying until now. I believe that I've come to a realization that if I want to change myself, I MUST change my mind. Well, now that my perspective has shifted and my awareness has increased, I can actually feel the positive changes in regards to my level of consciousness. I must admit that I am overcome with gratitude because I have been becoming more and more of my TRUE SELF and less and less of the person in which I have been conditioned to be, which is beautiful. The exciting part is that I get to share my experience and what works for me, with all of you and maybe it will have a positive impact on you and your journey. It would also be a bit selifsh of me if I had this method or Plan of Action that works and I did not share it. I will ALWAYS be transparent with you because I want to be able to help out in the proper way. My moral compass has me always seeking the truth and in return I am to always be truthful, myself. Since we are on the subtopic of being truthful I must admit, that in real life - I am a very introverted person and I am stepping way outside of my comfort zone by writing this. In fact, this is actually the first full article that I am writing and sharing. I've always had this "thing" for writing, as I used to write music a long time ago and prior to that I was into poetry. I had lost the creative ways early on and I am finally able to embrace my creative side again as I find out who it is that I really am. I figured that I enjoy writing as well as helping people so why not combine the two? It is ALL thanks to this new found perspective of mine. Which NONE of this would be possible if it were not for LSD. I had taken an unintentional hiatus from LSD for over 2 years.
In a near future article I look forward to sharing other parts of my journey, such as what conspired during those two years. For now, I would like to get back to the main topic because I feel as though it has brought me wonderful enlightenment...
I will give you some backstory though. For ten months I had been trying everything and anything to feel better, to be happy. Nothing would work, medicines, theraphies. I was attempting to get better for those ten months but for much longer I was depressed, full of anxiety, hopeless, isolated my self, mentally ill and spiritually bankrupt. My throat chakra was compromised, I had not been able to take a regular, normal breath in months, MONTHS. My breathing pattern was incredibly shallow and it was almost as if my throat was blocked and continued to close.
For my first LSD session in just over 2 years I dosed and decided I was going to sit in meditation, meditation had been a bit difficult to be consistent with at the time. This time in particular was different though, I was focused and started to dive deep within. I could actually feel taking place in my body. My throat actually opened up and I was able to breathe normal, full, breaths. It was incredible how that took place! It enabled me to connect my breath all the way down to my root chakra and I have been been able to breathe normal since and also I have been able to do some amazing work since that first initial trip back. I have been using LSD consistently since and also using it almost as if it were the vehicle that takes me deep within myself. I am blown away by the amount of progress I have made in such a short period of time of just about 2 months.
I have come to the realization that I am NOT that dude in the mirror. Those are my eyes, which lead to my soul - where the real me is. For 31 years I have been someone else's expectation, someone else's projection of who it is I am. In order to be the real me I need to unlearn things that ive learned from a very young age. School, sports - everything was 'whats next'. After first grade, second, third, so on - after schooling it was job, better job, career job and so on. Every step of the way was preparing me for the next step and I was totally missing MY purpose. These are conditions, so when I say I was conditioned at a young age, I dont blame my folks or anything - we all only operate based off our own level of awareness. Anyways, I repeated the first grade so early on I was under the belief that I was dumb and I was not good enough so these conditions that I speak of essentially became my identity. The little voice in my head thats been talking shit since first grade, well that isnt me. I never had the chance to change it because I was never aware. Since that first trip back I am now aware and I am taking the proper action, since the journey is action based. This time without a "whats next" mentality. I can not BE the change though if I were to be still depressed, or full of anxiety because I would not be fully present in the current moment. A lot of my thoughts were negative thoughts. Whether I was stuck in shame or guilt and in the past or I was filled with anxiety because I was worried about the future or fearing the unknown. I now know though that those thoughts, that mindset, that energy - it did not and it does not belong to me so I shall not carry it around. I always knew there was something beautiful under layers and years of having a Sleeping Mind but with my new perspective, my ability to practice conscious breathing and my desire to become the real me I now know that change is possible.
Peace and Love to all
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If you vision it you can be it!
Like April 13, 2020
Thank you for this. If you dont mind me asking, what dosage did you use for your meditation? I have been struggling off and on with my practices and find it harder and harder to focus. Also been struggling with self and needed to hear this for sure!
Like April 13, 2020
@supaflex09 As far as dosage for the meditation — I first started with 200ug and thd first 3 trips kinda slowly progressed ... On the 4th is when i kicked it up cuz i was ready to move now.. And the first 4 trips were all 4 days, on the 4th day being the trip starting @ 8pm that night with at least ... View More
Like April 13, 2020