by on April 13, 2020

Let me start off by saying I'm new to this entire thing and have fumbled my way up to this point. Well after ordering all my supplies and doing years of research I finally decided to make myself a batch and give it a try. My first attempt I bought some stuff from Ecuador and ended up with about 1.5 grams. I decided to just try .02 mg apposed to the .05 mg just to get a feel for it. I sat on my bed turned off all the light except for a Himalayan salt lamp on my dresser sitting at the foot of my bed. I loaded the pipe and hit the torch,  my first attempt was a Huge failure....  because with all my research I hadn't thought to research how to hit a crack pipe. Oh yes I chose to go the cheap $5 crack pipe. My second attempt was successful and as I inhaled, it felt as if the atmosphere in my body was changing, my body was getting  denser and denser, the longer I held my breath the more dense I became. I exhaled and noticed a mentalish lemony taste. My first thoughts were all the stuff I read and saw about the taste was either wrong or I'm a better chemist than all those other people, or oh no I did something wrong.... So I decided to take a second hit. As I hit the torch and rolled the pipe in between my fingers.  I felt myself again getting denser and heavier. Then I put the stuff away  and pulled down my blindfold and laid back in my bed. I was listening to some dmt music or frequency music for enlightenment. As I exhaled I started to see a bright light from where my salt lamp was sitting. I sat back up and quickly lifted my blindfold. The lamp started changing colors to a deep but bright purple and starting to float upwards to the ceiling and I remember thinking I need to take more, so I grabbed the pipe hit it again and just like the last time more dense and as I lowered my blindfold and laid back down I started seeing a grid in the middle of the blackness, the blackness was space and air and a grid made of light was holding all of it together. I remember the grid was diamond shaped like a fishing net. I remember thinking okay that's why everyone says everythings connected, it's a leap but okay I not going to judge. Then the salt lamp appeared again so I sat back up and pulled my blindfold off and started talking to the lamp saying ah ha I see what people are saying and I can see why there doing it, then I started laughing and stood up and the trip was over.  I think set and setting are important so I'm electing to wait until I get somewhere I feel the most comfortable and relaxed and that's more appropriate for this sort of thing. I'm glad I tested it out and I'm looking forward to hopefully breaking through and getting something  personal and spiritual out of it. To be continued

Posted in: DMT