by on April 3, 2020
Amount:  7.5 G of dried mushrooms (variety of cubes: GT, B+, Tropical and Mexican varieties).
Method: lemon tek (20 minutes) followed by tea tek (steeped 40 minutes, stirring occasionally). Added natural local honey for taste.
Date: March 12, 2020. It's still working as of April 2, 2020!
I was nervous but eager. I was home alone at night.
7:02 PM Drank up.
7:44 It really started to hit me. Normally, I get very tingly and light visuals only 10 minutes in so taking more than 4X longer was unusual; however, I had  6.5 G only 10 days earlier, giving me a possibility of tolerance. Plus this time I didn't use any weed to begin my trip with.
It took a few waves till the peak waves hit me. My intention before I started the trip was to aim towards ego death if it's the right time for me. Though I was a little nervous, I felt ready. I didn't get there but I was close. Just what was right.
Overall, I feel like I'm waking up and it's a good feeling.
As I was approaching that realm far yonder, I passed by people from my past that have tripped that welcomed me to the journey. In my past they recognized me from their future. Though it felt like it went slowly, it also went by in the blink of the eye in hindsight. 
Then I met entities that I saw on a couple of other trips that I call "the healers" because it feels like I'm on a diagnostic table and a bunch of them are checking my body, mind, emotional, and soul fitness before heading to the next dimension. If something is wrong, they suggest a healing by either changing my health status or simply switching the destination of my next dimension to one that I'd be more appropriately matched for according to my overall state. 
After that, the journey to the "far" dimensions felt like I was literally in a man-made space pod strapped down and being checked by monitors and informed before distance benchmarks. Several times I thought we were blasting off but the mushroom let me know it was just a simulation. This happened several times. Finally I was ready by just flowing, as if it took several simulations to make me flexible enough to bend and flow. 
Then I was in the tides of dimensions. It felt like I was in a donut shaped energy ring, with the flow of the ring rotating inwards towards it's hole. This energy donut wasn't stationary, the inward rolling was its way of traveling between dimensions. All the time it was a golden colored light, warm, cozy, emotional, and safe. 
Occasionally I'd see geometric patterns that were very well defined. Some looked like ancient Kenyan art of alternating bold colors contrasted by black or dark brown, with straight lines and plenty of angles, never any curves or roundness. 
Then a guide pulled me into a large chamber. It was one of the chambers in one of God's homes. It was a bedroom with a low dome as a ceiling. The walls were lined with alternating pearl and brown marble zig zag in perfect fit with each other. The most striking character about the room was how clean it was. The guide reminded me of the old wisdom, "Cleanliness is close to Godliness." God/Source makes sure his house is clean. Surely God/Source can't do all that alone? The guide winked and said He never lifts a finger (others do it for him). In another room attached to it was a bedroom. It was light blue room with no windows and it too a low dome, but that dome had windows. It was dark outside so the room was lit with very soft internal lighting. The most striking thing about the room was how sleep sterile it was. The only furniture was a comfy bed in light blue covers and one matching night stand. Nothing was on the nightstand. There was one round door that was closed - presumably to a hallway. The room was made for pure sleep. Between the two rooms, it was like I got the message to clear clutter away from my life for a clearer mind. 
As the trip went on I visited different times and dimensions. I got messages about my life and relationships and I cried a lot (good crying, like I was letting things out and feeling the pain at the same time). 
About 6 - 7 hours into the trip, I felt like I got past the peak of my many mushroom waves. There were at least 10 waves and 8 were the same intensity. Past those, the waves were ebbing quickly but softly. I felt like it was a good time to smoke weed so I lit a bowl of some sativa strain and laid back to enjoy the rest of the trip with my eyes mostly open (at least not covered by a mask). I had a THC vape with me for top offs, if needed. I played music and found I was able to slow down or speed up the music with my mind. I don't think I physically changed the speed, but I was able to change the speed in which it reached my eardrums, if that makes sense. Music was so beautiful. I was listening mostly to two-piece freeflow jamming of different instruments, from everywhere and anywhere in the world. Like a jam session of a guy from Iran with their version of a violin and a guy from Gambia with their version of a harp married to a guitar. Another was a bassist from Bulgaria jamming with a drummer from the Carribean, a singer from Ireland, and a pianist from Louisiana making their own music. It all melted well with love, forgiveness, finding peace, awakening, and awareness. 
Today 4/2/20:
Here I am almost 3 weeks later and I'm caught in a really good loop with the cleanliness close to Godliness feed. A day or two before I tripped, one of the things I did to get my setting right is a mad clean job of my apartment, including washing a dozen walls. I managed to get most of the rest of my house cleaned and organized before my trip too. Though I'm not a clean freak, this is the neatest I've been in years and it's allowed me to do more work. It couldn't have come at a better time with this global outbreak. I remember hearing a lecture from Terence McKenna about how much synchronicity happens after you cross paths with the mushrooms. I can't help but wonder if the mushroom worked retroactively according to linear time we're conditioned to by planting the loop about cleaning before this trip.
Just 2 weeks later other synchronicities unfolded with my health. I was looking for a nutritionist so I could get guidance on how to eat cleaner and my physician called and offered a consultation by phone - the results of a gut sensitivity test I did weeks ago and forgot about came in. Turns out I'm very sensitive to mushrooms (more on that later). 
I feel like I'm in a time and space of transition - a sort of liminal space - where I have to use these strange times to prepare and get ahead. 
I've been in a pretty bad depression for years and finally things are starting to get better. I'm not yet out of it, but at least I am aware that I can finally start to do so. 
Funny thing is that I tripped on the night that the state of emergency was announced by Trump and I didn't hear a peep about it till the next day since I was alone and phone alerts were off. I secluded on purpose and I'm glad I did.
I plan on taking another trip but I'm not sure when yet. (The covid outbreak really messed with my schedule and my eating plans.) I'll go to 8.5g or 9g next time. I really think there's no loss of potency from tea, but there's a loss of amount, imo, like a gram or so. Tripping on shrooms without weed to stave the nausea was worth it. Using tea with lemon tek is something I'd do again. 
One thing is that the first time I used a large dose of shrooms (6.5 gm powdered and Lemon Tek), I got diarrhea for 1 month till I was able to regulate it. Halfway during that trip, my eyes were bloodshot as all heck, my eyelids were so swollen they were almost shut closed. This trip with the tea tek, my eyes were red but not bloodshot. My eyelids swelled up, but I could still blink. As it turns out, test results came back from my doctor. I have a food sensitivity to mushrooms - dang... but it's ok. So long I start to eat clean, I'll sneak a few shroom trips here and there. Ingesting the shrooms as tea (fruit filtered out) helps reduce side effects.
I was alone for my trip (I needed to be) but I was a little scared if I didn't have a sitter, but you all were supportive, encouraging, and I really wouldn't have been able to do this without you. Mush love.
Posted in: Psilocybin, Cannabis
14 people like this.
Good report bro i love spirtual growth reports
Like April 4, 2020
Thanks great report!
Like April 6, 2020
Just re read this - its so well written and your insights profound . Thanks again.
Like May 30, 2020
Thanks for sharing such a brave experience! I don't think could ever take more than 3g of dried mushies or I'll start panicking... I'm actually not able to trip in that way since my DMT trip of 2017...I think my body initiates a chain of reactions when it feels am lifting of that causes lots of phys... View More
Like May 30, 2020 Edited