by on April 22, 2019

A Saucerful of Tryptamines


Beneath the soil the curious mycelium grow,

their heads rising with the autumn rains.

They poke through soft blankets of moss and grass,

awakening from the dark fertile beds of wood and soil.


Euphoric domes uncurling into saucers,

they arise from the ground in our curious hands

to float and fly into the dimensions of our mind.

Messages and messengers.


The strata of our consciousness combine

and we rise together to explore 

the ecologies of the cosmic imagination.


We rise from the fertile catacombs of the ancients

and burst through the vast dome of the sky.

We float as spores through the realm eternal; 

the jeweled city, 

shimmering with fractal cascades of quantum information.


All who enter there are transformed and transforming.

And soon we sink back down into the fertile soil of time and space

to grow and root into the expanding network of the Gaian mind.

Posted in: Psilocybin
Topics: poetry
15 people like this.
Wow beautiful
Like April 25, 2019
This is a nice trip
Like May 27, 2019