by on February 19, 2020

A few days of processing. Has anyone experienced feeling “not alone” during my DMT trip, my usual setting, alone. This time I didn’t feel alone, I could feel something near me but couldn’t open my eyes from the place I was taken. During this experience I also placed my hand on my head and felt/seen something leave my head. Any thoughts guys? 

Posted in: DMT
7 people like this.
I most definitely get that same feeling more often than not when in thst place. Unlike many other reports, I’ve never “seen” any beings or had english words spoken to me. There is rarely a guide, but often i do get the sense of some guidance. While not seen, i do feel a conscious presence with me an... View More
Like February 29, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
I see and feel these entities on most of my dmt experiences, and ive definitely had the 'operating table experience' where there was one doctor with his hands in my head whilst other spirits were coming over and looking what he was up to, i feel like when I'm not looking at them, they're a shadowy h... View More
Like March 3, 2020
They use the gestures and symbols and stuff to communicate, i feel like they're very playful and mischevious, but in a loving way, like they're a bunch of older siblings, making fun of me but at the same time showing me whats up, and looking out for me1f642.png
Like March 3, 2020