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Stoned Philosophers
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Psychology and Philosophy
DMT Extraction Teks
2473 Members
Psychedelics » DMT
posted a trip report.
I have had the same trip 4 or 5 times in a row now. To clarify, my unique trip to me unrelated to your trip.
Like November 27, 2019
I find this happens when i trip too often. If i get bored of same or extremely similar trips, i wait a month or more for a new mindset to take place. Or maybe a different setting opportunity if your flexible like that.
Like December 8, 2019
Hola friends
To answer your question in the Shoutbox, I would first join some groups on extractions like the DMT Extraction Teks and do some research, next I would find a vendor there are some in the marketplace, ... View More
But bark isn't illegal. What's the problem with asking people for bark!
Like November 14, 2019
Lol I forgot I even sent this to you, you can ask for bark. It was the way you asked how to acquire DMT. I didnt want you to get ban for how you worded your question, it could have been interpreted wrong is all. We have some great vendors in our marketplace.
Like November 14, 2019
check out willy-myco.com he will teach you how to pull it yourself if you want... and will give you the addresses to get the bark.. never done it myself... I will.. just haven't yet... but willymyco... View More
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