by on February 16, 2020
I finally broke through on my 7th trip I took about 50-60mg. I was first put under what looked like an ocean like room with walls made of clowns. They kept pestering me because they knew what I wanted. I finally got control of my body and took 2 big hits and I flew past them.
(What happened next was the turning point of my life thus far)
I was in a galaxy like spiral of infinite space and time. I saw a central light, I had no control over my direction or thought. I thought I had died. I felt so happy and blessed to be apart of this spiral of space, time, Light, and love. It’s was so infinite and large but it was being operated by this central light where I could not go. Just as quickly as I had arrived I was shot back into my body. I saw my body as I came back I operated my jaw and mouth from the outside. Like opening a car door from the exterior. I set back into my body and felt my being hit the back of my spine. I took my first deep breath and it felt and sounded like a pressurized helmet had been put on me. I slowly began able to operate my limbs. My thoughts returned and I remembered I had an identity, a name, a dog, a wife. I was home I was back to the body He blessed me with. I am a believer in an almighty/Allfather/God/Creator etc.
Posted in: DMT
Topics: god, light, death
19 people like this.
Inspiring. Thanks for your words , truth rings loudly from your soul.
Like February 18, 2020
Thank you for reading!
Like February 18, 2020
Like February 28, 2020
The light is a big city, i have been there on my first try 7 years ago. The city is full of life and energy with amazing skyscrapers
Like February 29, 2020