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Male. Lives in United States.
About Me
Only drug I’ve ever done or will do is DMT. I’m a young man slowly finding his faith in God through ... View More
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Psychedelics » DMT
The Review
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Really nervous about my next life. Multiple times I have been shown that i will be a lizard in a zoo or something. It is saddening and i hope i can change that outcome... weird i know...
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Brandon Izzarelli
Ur gonna be OKe
Like March 15, 2020
Every since doing this stuff 17 trips total know the one thing i believe is reincarnation
Like March 16, 2020
Is it possible that you’re just one of them little green lizards running around the zoo and you’re not captive at all but it’s your home and you wanna be there
Like March 16, 2020
If being a captive lizard is in the path for you.. Embrace it, learn the lesson, be the best captive lizard you can be then move on. Rebirth only ends when you beat the game. Use every oppurtunity to help others (chew the tick off that giraffe) and build shape karma for the future.
Like March 16, 2020
This is from my third pull 50g.
Anyone know why it looks like this instead of crystals? Ive scraped it up and it looks normal to me.
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posted a trip report.
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Sounds like a great experience brother. Was this your first?
Like March 4, 2020
This was my 14th i have all of them documented from recording myself and taking notes from video the next day
Like March 4, 2020
This might not be allowed but my buddy wants to get into growing his own shrooms he asked me if knew anyone that could point him in the right direction. If this isnt allowed im sorry! Thanks in advanc... View More
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Thats what i was thinking to lol
Like February 29, 2020
No for real i dont mess with em i do DMT
Like February 29, 2020
All good man im prescribing you to try them and then smoke some dmt WOW is all i have to say
Like February 29, 2020
Nn dmt 4po dmt still dmt.either way
Like February 29, 2020
STB lately my pulls have been green what does that mean?
3 people like this.
Looks more yellow to me.....the yellowing is the alkaloids (plant fats) that are being pulled.
Like February 26, 2020
What colour is your end product?
Like February 26, 2020
This happened to me when I used a heat bath. I also agree with
Like February 26, 2020
New nap, prime bark, i did heat yes.
Like February 26, 2020
What are some of your favorite/highest yielding TEKs when it comes to DMT? Im trying to explore new methods for higher yields if possible. Right now I get .7 to 1% with a STB tek
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Like February 26, 2020
Well... I started with STB. Soon I'm adding saturated salt solution. Then i started acidifying the bark beforehand. So totally not STB tek anymore.
Like February 26, 2020
Juliet, there are two vendors here, EES and Prime Bark, that most ppl seem to be using.
Like February 26, 2020
Both are great E.E.S.
Like February 26, 2020
Does anyone here micro dose DMT?
5 people like this.
Hailey Nicole
Wow thank you for this post!! I was under the impression it was kind of wasteful to put it in a bowl or bong etc. or if it was possible to take effective micros.... ill be back in like 20 minutes XD
Like February 16, 2020
Lol i have great success build a decent base layer of weed or something spread deems out evenly and cover lightly with more weed or whatever. Burn as slowly as possible.
Like February 16, 2020
I do it all the time. 10-15 mg is good for me
Like February 16, 2020
I just do however much is on my little spoon, never weighed it but I'm sure it's a microdose.
Like February 16, 2020
posted a trip report.
19 people like this.
Inspiring. Thanks for your words , truth rings loudly from your soul.
Like February 18, 2020
Thank you for reading!
Like February 18, 2020
Like February 28, 2020
The light is a big city, i have been there on my first try 7 years ago. The city is full of life and energy with amazing skyscrapers
Like February 29, 2020
Broke through finally on my 7th trip. Roughly 50-60mg. My life is forever changed and im so happy DMT found me.
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For me it was i didnt have a tood concentration of it i never had enough. I had to put back 40-60mg in a about 30 seconds. I also vape it.
Like February 16, 2020
Make him a nice sammich
Like February 16, 2020
Like February 16, 2020
Hell yeah!
Like February 16, 2020
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