Only drug I’ve ever done or will do is DMT. I’m a young man slowly finding his faith in God through ... View More
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Psychedelics » DMT
Really nervous about my next life. Multiple times I have been shown that i will be a lizard in a zoo or something. It is saddening and i hope i can change that outcome... weird i know...
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Brandon Izzarelli
Ur gonna be OKe
March 15, 2020

Every since doing this stuff 17 trips total know the one thing i believe is reincarnation
March 16, 2020

Is it possible that you’re just one of them little green lizards running around the zoo and you’re not captive at all but it’s your home and you wanna be there
March 16, 2020

If being a captive lizard is in the path for you.. Embrace it, learn the lesson, be the best captive lizard you can be then move on. Rebirth only ends when you beat the game. Use every oppurtunity to help others (chew the tick off that giraffe) and build shape karma for the future.
March 16, 2020
So I was taken back into my past and I was a lizard type species. Maybe a chameleon or something like that. It was very familiar and I was used to it it was as easy as walking. As I began to come back into my body now. I showed myself how good I taste. The roof of my mouth was so tasty like tasted better than any food I’ve ever had. Then I bit down on my tongue and it tasted even better (how do you taste your own tongue?). As I kept getting more and more control and my reptilian life started to leave me I saw a tiny gnat flying in my room and I could zoom to it. I freaked out and closed my eyes and when I felt more comfortable I opened my eyes and drank some water and stood up. As I was walking to the door I noticed a tiny little black dot on my door. It was a gnat flexing its wings, and it didn’t look the least bit appetizing anymore.
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What are some of your favorite/highest yielding TEKs when it comes to DMT? Im trying to explore new methods for higher yields if possible. Right now I get .7 to 1% with a STB tek
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Does anyone here micro dose DMT?
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Wow thank you for this post!! I was under the impression it was kind of wasteful to put it in a bowl or bong etc. or if it was possible to take effective micros.... ill be back in like 20 minutes XD
Lol i have great success build a decent base layer of weed or something spread deems out evenly and cover lightly with more weed or whatever. Burn as slowly as possible.
I just do however much is on my little spoon, never weighed it but I'm sure it's a microdose.
I finally broke through on my 7th trip I took about 50-60mg. I was first put under what looked like an ocean like room with walls made of clowns. They kept pestering me because they knew what I wanted. I finally got control of my body and took 2 big hits and I flew past them.
(What happened next was the turning point of my life thus far)
I was in a galaxy like spiral of infinite space and time. I saw a central light, I had no control over my direction or thought. I thought I had died. I felt so happy and blessed to be apart of this spiral of space, time, Light, and love. It’s was so infinite and large but it was being operated by this central light where I could not go. Just as quickly as I had arrived I was shot back into my body. I saw my body as I came back I operated my jaw and mouth from the outside. Like opening a car door from the exterior. I set back into my body and felt my being hit the back of my spine. I took my first deep breath and it felt and sounded like a pressurized helmet had been put on me. I slowly began able to operate my limbs. My thoughts returned and I remembered I had an identity, a name, a dog, a wife. I was home I was back to the body He blessed me with. I am a believer in an almighty/Allfather/God/Creator etc.
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Broke through finally on my 7th trip. Roughly 50-60mg. My life is forever changed and im so happy DMT found me.
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