by on January 17, 2020
I have around 10 LSD trips but nothing like this one.
Hello guys, i had a very unusual experience on Acid and it was from a small dose 150ug they told me but i think it was much more. Maybe i smoked too much weed? Dont know. I noticed at the beginning of the peak the hallucinations were mad the streets were shaking and deforming, the buildings were like 1000 pieces of mosaic constructed, people were like wavy clay mase and everywhere colors and smooth fractals. I then decided to better go home for my safety :D. There things started to go very strange. It smoked a joint and everything became somehow blurry and started to mix up like paint colors stired in a bowl, my senses hearing, vision, smelling, objects the chair the tv everything mixed up i losed se se of gravity my body weight center i cant feel where exactly is my body i was somehow physicaly and mentaly everything i just was. I lose sense of self i wasant There or i was the same as the whole??? It was frightening!!! It was like everything fell apart in to a concoction and was like floating in nowhere. Is this a fcking ego death or wtf.
Posted in: Other Psychedelics
Topics: lsd