by on April 21, 2019

I had a wonderful experience with our little fungal friends. I have only dabbled up until now but have been drawn to go a little further and try to use the shrooms as a medicine. I prepared my set and setting (everything fell into place - my housemates were all out all night and I had the place to myself) I smudged my room, prepared some shamanic drumming (the plan was initially to drum myself but that turned out to be impossible as I'm sure you can guess).

I was a little tired and my mind tried to talk me out of doing it - I now know that was nerves, and perhaps a part of my mind did not want to see what was to come. I took the 5.5 g of homegrown dried golden teachers and sat back. My intention was to find my spirit guide (I know how cliche that could be seen to be in certain circles) and also to get some insight on my life to this date. I'm 44 and have done some things in the past I'm not particularly proud of. So, about 30 Min's in I felt the shrooms coming on and at this point I realized that it was happening. I got a little nervous and then manned up and laid back down on the bed with my eyes covered again. The visuals were amazing. Organic machinery on a huge scale. My eyes opened and I could still see the same. Pressure on my chest was building and pressing down on me - I believe this was my soul/spirit etc trying to leave my body/astral project. I'm getting chills as I write this. My mind was trying to make sense of it - think in the 'I' way. It was almost amusing as I began to find that little part of me absurd. Then then pressure stopped and the 'I' voice was gone (I'm thinking that was my ego). Before me appeared a presence of huge proportions - an animal made of many animals - kind of like one minute it was a wolf, then a dragon, then a jaguar, then an anaconda. It was all animals. At this point I remembered a dream I had as a child - I was chased and bitten by a wolf on my leg. I can actually still feel it to this day. In front of me materialized a huge wolf. He was my spirit guide (cliche yes I know) and at that point I realized I had always known but had forgotten. I have always had a fascination for wolves/dogs and anything to do with them. At this point I sat up on my bed and felt myself begin to change. My fingers lengthened and I felt like I was a few steps away from changing into a wolf myself. I now realize it was the power that I was imbued with entering my body. I laid back down and then all was love. I mean such love as I have never felt before apart from as a small child - you know that love you feel from a mother when in her arms? (I'd forgotten what this felt like until then). I was in a space disconnected from my ego, I could see parts of my life playing in front of me. These were the parts of my life that I am not proud of. I will give you a for-instance: I have stolen money before when I was in a bad place in life. I saw it happening and looked at myself back then and felt sad looking at what I was. I realized I needed to forgive myself. So I did and the pain and guilt was gone. This happened several times until I came to a small boy who I came to realize was myself (perhaps inner child or part of my soul that had split?). I looked at him and he at me, he was so sad and I reached out and held him close to me in a hug. It was the most beautiful moment of my life. We were both in white light spiritual forms its hard to remember exactly.

I remember thanking the shrooms many times during this experience. Even now I thank them. I had absolutely no idea how powerful they can be as a healing tool. I intend to try to use them to heal myself further and try to help others if I can. I can safely say that the experience was the most important healing event of my life to date. This is not all of it but it's all I can remember off the top of my head at the moment. I wish I could show you what I saw - I can still see it all in my mind even now.

Posted in: Psilocybin
14 people like this.
Toad Boom
Like April 23, 2019
Thank you for painting us such a wonderful picture. I enjoyed reading about your experience. I'm so glad that our fungi friends found you and helped you heal your energetic traumas.
Like April 23, 2019
They definitely deliver the goods. We are limited by our safety mechanisms that have been developed over centuries to protect us and keep us aware of dangers in our environment. Unfortunately, those same things that kept us safe from predators in the past, keep us closed off from our minds ability t... View More
Like June 10, 2019 Edited