by on December 10, 2019

First-ever LSD Microdose – 10ug

0800 – Dropped 0.5ml which is 10ug onto my tongue

0900 – Get to MMA ready to go for the session head

1000 – That was a crazy session, a lot of work on the heavy bag, hitting super hard, my kicks are feeling super quick. I felt like I wanted to work harder. I've completely forgotten I’ve micro-dosed too.

1030 – On the way home I am singing and dancing in the car to kid Cudi, and got some random happy tears

  • I go to the kitchen and go to have my regular cereal, but I decided I wanted something healthier, so I had some mango and yogurt
  • Messaged my MMA coach and thanked him for the session, felt like sharing the love a bit

1100 – go shopping with brother jeff for tie-dye kits and shirts

1140 – start tie-dying for the first time, just wanted to do something fun for the day since I had no work. Had heaps of fun, we had Kid Cudi blasting too

1200 – Just in a really good mood

1500 – Feeling super chatty, almost excited

1800 – At Kmart with my fiancée and we are having fun instead of just shopping. We have a massive chat when we get home about psychedelics and how passionate I am about it. She said she knows how passionate I am, she can see it when I talk, and she agreed that they weren’t bad drugs at all, that felt amazing. I think I did a really good job explaining it.

0000 – finished playing Xbox, had a great time playing with my mates, off to bed now, what a day!

Posted in: Other Psychedelics
6 people like this.
aha oath that's why I enjoy the bouldering! Next time in in the area lets go for trip and a climb! I loved canada!
Like December 12, 2019
T rex ophora
Hell yeah brother! Ive got tons of good rock nearby. Adirondack and catskill mountains to the west, green and white mountains to the east.
Like December 12, 2019
fkn sold!!!!! I think the missus and I are going to elope in banff in the next few years! Will have to stay in touch
Like December 12, 2019
Hello can u let me know where can i find Lsd in drops
Like September 29, 2020