by on December 10, 2019

0900 – Take 1 200ug tab of LSD

1000 – Definitely feeling the effects now, playing on the Xbox and shapes keep forming on the screen, very very cool.

  • Unsure what the time was from here on out
  • Playing Xbox still and having deep conversation with a mate online, feel like I know what to say and explain my emotions very well
  • Playing Call of duty and someone shot an RPG and the smoke trail was rainbow wow! - photoshop idea
  • Decide to get off Xbox
  • I conclude that I believe my perspective is correct. As I come to this conclusion, I notice someone sitting next to me on the bed. I felt a little freaked out because, well someone was sitting next to me. I looked over however and discovered it was myself sitting there looking at me. LSD reflection of me gives a thumb up to me as to say well done for discovering the “my perspective is right” thing and as I had that synch in, he (clone me), vanishes. WOW!
  • Electric feels on by MGMT and pursuit of happiness by Kid Cudi. Music is sounding amazing, peaking at this point
  • Dancing in my room to both songs on repeat, I remember that I watched kid Cudi at Coachella dancing to electric feel live on acid, and this makes me super happy, so I watch again. I love how carefree he is on stage and how much he is enjoying himself. I feel a connection there, I don’t want to live my life in fear, I want to be able to dance and sing whenever I want, and not care who’s watching.
  • “A day without dancing is a day wasted” – I say to myself
  • This tri is going very well, not worried about anything just having a great time
  • As I dance, I think to myself why we dance, and I think dancing is expressing your emotions when you can’t say it in words. It’s a feeling that can’t be described.
  • I imagine why listening to music and sex go hand in hand, your giving in to your body’s desires
  • Pursuit of happiness back on – I realise that this is my reason for living, to be happy. I’m a very happy person in general, but since experimenting with psychedelics I have found a new level of happiness. It’s very freeing
  • I always tell people my favourite colour is blue, but I genuinely can’t pick a favourite colour, it constantly changes.
  • Closed my eyes to see what visuals I could get – I get taken to this scene of “the big reveal” of who I am deep deep down. This makes me a little anxious, what if it’s something I don’t like? Then the curtain is pulled back and this ape starts making its way outside from this box. This gets me super excited, I started saying “Yes!!” Over and over, this resonates with me because I love to climb and have always had a deep love for apes.
  • I smoke some weed to enhance the visuals at about 3am
  • I close my eyes again and just let the visuals go crazy, I saw a lot of crazy things, I defiantly feel tested at this point but I’m not letting it get to me.
  • I see the IT Clown appear, and I felt like this could start going bad, but I just laugh it off like “ahah how did he get there”. And then the next image came.
  • Visuals are going pretty nuts as I meditate, I’m having a great time
  • I end up falling asleep at about 5 am
  • I wake up and talk to my brother about it, this trip was amazing
  • I smoke 3 cones before we go, and this brings the visuals back which is what I wanted. We go rock climbing and I still feel really good, not lsd high but what I’ve read about micro-dosing sounds very similar. We get to climbing, I’ve had maybe 4 hours sleep, but feel great. It doesn’t take long for me to start getting excited, I feel strong, and I mean really strong. I’m getting routes I don’t think I would’ve got beforehand, holding onto holds I would’ve normally slipped off. Euphoria at this moment. I also have my music pumping and I feel fearless and I start dancing in front of everyone, this continued the whole session.
  • I want to give micro dosing, that was the best bouldering session.
Posted in: Other Psychedelics