Trip Reports
I got stuck in a time loop my last time doing dmt. Shit was scary as hell. Did 5 tabs and had a good solo trip at home. On the come down I smoked a bowl of changa, then had a blast of jungle spice out of my vape pen.A big exclamation mark started flashing and an entity started shaking its finger at me aggressively telling me that I fucked up and was stuck in an infinite loop until I learned my lesson. It felt like big metal walls came crashing down all around my livingroom, imprisoning me in this loop. I panicked, opened my eyes and stood up quickly from my couch, knocking over my bong and spilling the gross water all over my table. Poof, I was back on the couch, stood up and knocked over my bong again. Over and over with this entity telling me "you havnt learned your lesson, restart again". As the trip went on, the loop got longer and eventually stopped. Felt like I cleaned up the bong water a million friggin times. It's hard enough cleaning up a mess on 5 tabs of acid, that plus dmt was really a task. I'm kind of excited for my next time loop, now that I have experienced one. Shit was wild!
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Loops are the scarriest thing with psychedellics. I'd rather see demons or some other creepy shit as long as it plays through in a continuous fashion, than be stuck in a loop, even if it was something pleasant. The scary part is the last moment before the loop resests and you have that momentary dej... View More
^^^^ glad to hear u not alone on those bastard Loops lmao. Crazy shi alright