by on November 8, 2019
Creative writing experiment:
I'll preface this with saying, for those of you that don't know already, my wife is preggers with our first child. Just past the first trimester, and things are looking great!
Side-note:My sister got pregnant with her husband a week or two after. O.o
I am totally burnt out from Engineering school + part time internship. I've really been needing a reset, and finally had the chance to do so witha trip to Hawai'i, and then a trip IN Hawai'i today. Also an important fact, is that before I tripped, I busted open a small container of butter and it spilled in my pocket. (Not a good place for butter) I changed pants, but this small thing is randomly slightly important to the story. Butter…
So by random chance and luck, I am in Hawai'i for the week. One of those things that you know will be AMAZING sober, and so of course, I wanted to experience it at least once* tripping balls. I have taken acid too many times to count, but only 10 or so of those were with tested actual LSD. Of those 10, they were all either 150 or 300 ug doses. I have yet to work up to more than 300, but I'll get there when I get there. Anyways, this tab was plane white, and it was dosed between 100 – 125 ug. 
Holy fuck, what a ride. I took it around 8:30 and then hopped in the shower, and started jamming out 
(probably the loud singing was rude if someone was sleeping in the hotel room next to us…I'm pretty sure that one room was empty though, and besides, I heard their alarm around 5:30….)
Anyways, I let the shower go on for longer than I normally would, because my shower at home is with a bucket of hot water. It was so refreshing to have the hot water pouring itself through my hair and on my skin, instead of having to scoop the water and pour with one hand.
After the shower, I was thinking hmm maybe I should take that other one! It had been 30 minutes, and I wasn't feeling anything really except increased heart rate, which I attributed to the excitement. I did not take it however, because once I put my clothes on, my stomach started grumbling in an unhappy way. I knew that was the acid, especially after I noticed that it was accompanied by a light headedness.
I laid down on the bed, and knew that drinking some water would help neutralize the pain some, and was only going to take a few gulps, but some presence that is not my own conveyed to me that it's best if I drink the whole bottle.  I thought, "The whole bottle?!" as I picked it up, and this presence quickly responded in the affirmative, as I weighed the bottle in my hand and approximated the amount of fluid in the bottle. "Alright, you're the boss" so I downed it, even though it made me want to puke. My stomach was not happy, and the water displaced the gas that was being produced, I guess, which almost made me barf up a bunch of water. I had the trash can ready, just in case, but I didn't end up needing it.
For the next 3 hours I was groaning and clutching my stomach, which actually is pretty common for me with mushies and acid. My wife thinks I have Crhones disease... At the same time, I felt my consciousness spreading out into the room as my body started….shaking? shivering? Not sure how best to describe it. It was like waves of energy hitting me. I would close my eyes and it was almost like entering a dream, except that I was fully lucid and enjoying the colors while doing my best to ignore the stomach pain.
During the peak while i was in bed, I blacked out for a while, I was everything and nothing. Is that ego death? When I came down some, I was still getting waves of the shiver shakes. It was very strange but almost pleasant if it werent for the stomach pain.
So finally after 3 hours of this, I realize that some gas was about to come out that was not going to be just gas, so I quickly shuffled to the restroom. I will skip the details here, but it was NASTY. I ate a delux chicken sandwhich the night before at a fastfood place in the Hono Lulu mall called Jollibee or something, and my stomach did NOT like it I guess. Either that, or the acid squeegeed the fuck out of my intestines.
Then I wanted to fuckin study, but that didnt happen until like 6 hours later. At this point after my 2 or 3 trips to the bathroom for number 2, I am feeling dehydrated, but I'm out of water. I have orange juice, cranberry juice, some sweet tea and some passion orange tea, but I only want water, because I just really needed some good ole H2O. So I pop in my wireless headphones, that I know for a fact are charged and they're brand spankin new. Weren't too expensive, but the play time is supposed to be 3 hours. I turn on some chillhop tunes:
,and go out to do some partial humaning. I get halfway to the place where I know there is water at a decent price, (which luckily was not more than an 8 minute walk) and I start getting a low battery alert! Fucking fuck. So I head back to the hotel, because I was thinking I'd walk the beach with my tunes :( 
When I get back to the elevator, the doors are closing, and I see a gentleman that is a paraplegic. His leg was straight out and not bending and I didn't look at all of the details, but as the woman asked if I'm going down, I said there's plenty of room, come on in! Then I processed the question and said, oh no I'm going up, but you can definitely take this one down. Go right ahead. So I step off, she says thank you, and as they start to move his electric bed/chair in, the damn doors start closing! 
They were old elevators, and even pulling on them would hardly stop them from closing, and even when I pull it open and think it will stay, it starts to close again. "Be careful, these doors hit my wife earlier. They hurt!" I said as I stepped away to push the up arrow since I thought that was a better chance at opening them. Worked like a charm, but I went and held the door anyways as they rolled in past me. All of this while I'm still tripping pretty hard. He said something through his voice assisted speaking machine thingy as they passed, but my lsd brain couldn't understand the words specifically. The sentiment was that he was not bothered. He was used to it, but that he keeps telling this woman, who I believe was a granddaughter or maybe daughter, that she shouldn't be so bothered. And she clearly was distraught.
"Mechanical Engineering at it's finest…damn elevators," I was just trying to lighten the mood, but it didn't seem to work.
At this point, a crowd had sort of gathered, not to watch, but because they needed an elevator too. Some woman thanked me. for holding the door for him, I guess? I begin to move on to a new elevator, but her door opened again instead. You need a key card to use the elevator, and hers was not working. I've been here for a few days already, so I am used to the weird quirks of these key cards, and knew how to slide it to send them on their way. 
"Try pressing the button now."
She said she didn't know what was wrong with hers, but seemed grateful that the fiasco was over with.
I should've said have a great day or be blessed or get some rest. Nope.
"Electromagtics…*shoulder shrug*" 
So quick was I able to come up with things to say, although I had not processed what I was going to say or filtered it in any way.
Back in my room, my heart is going bananas again. This time from feeling everyone's emotions and from seeing the physical pain that the man was probably in, and the emotional pain that this woman was in. Speaking of bananas, I scarfed down the last banana right then, and laid down on the floor to calm myself. Started attempting conversation with a couple friends that knew I had blasted off. I was only half successful at communicating what had happened to one of them, but it was a very light hearted and simple but silly and deep somehow too. Just what I needed, when I needed it. Thank you brothers :)
I started to freak out a little. My thoughts (and my meat sack walking around the hotel room) jumping between making sure I had cash to thinking, screw the headphones, I need to be alert, then to man I need to per, where are my head phones? Fuck headphones, I dont need music, then I'M SO THIRSTY!! Then, do I have my room key? 
Finally I go on my way and get some water, freaking out after I closed the door without double checking that I haf my key card lol. I take some cool pictures of the amazing vegetation that has this perfect year round weather to thrive in, although I'm told it was all imported and none of it is native! Haha 
well then I went down to the beach and sunk my feet into the sand as I walked down the shore. The tide coming up to meet my knees at some points, but only about half my shins most of the time. Just sinking my full foot into the sand with each step, having it be rinsed by the tide when I lift it, and then repeat, was beautiful. I could have walked and walked and walked, but I started to realize that I may not be able to find my way back to the hotel. I had walked this way a few times already, but things look different on acid! (No shit, right?) 
I come out of the water and turn around, walk backing back the direction I came on the path, until I came to some dry dry sand. It looked so soft compared to the concrete I was bare footing, and it WAS. So soft, in fact, that I was only focused on my feet and not where I was going. 
The places where water had dripped from suits was crisper and clumped together after drying, so it crunched a bit when I stepped in those spots. I then started imagining those clumps as villages and was like "Please let that just be imagined!" Lol I stopped my crunching and looked up. 
 I had walked right up to this tricycle paddle boat thing, stopped, took a picture, and continued to walk and wonder how much farther to my stop! I take some more pics, and find a Hawai'ian man with a name tag. I asked him if he could point me in the right direction, and he point back the direction I had just come. Turns out the paddleboat rental place was a part of my hotel xD so glad I asked for help instead of attempting to work my GPS. Gotta be grateful for people that dont hate on tourists!
Back at the hotel, and I remembered that the door that opens up to the fridge was squeeky. I wonder if the hotel has some WD40, because this woke my wife up the night before. "AHA! I'll use that butter! I pulled the little butter cup thing out of the modtly empty trash and scooped some out with my finger to rub it into the hinges lol It worked after some fanangling. I was so proud of myself and thanked the butter for busting in my pocket. (or more accurately, I thanked the universe or whatever force that has been guiding me)
Lol Engineering on acid.
FINALLY, I'm ready to study, but I keep distracting myself. An hour later, my wife comes home and tells me about her amazing day and that there's an orchestra performing at a small stage right outside our hotel. 
They were pretty nice to hear, but then we went to dinner with her co workers. They are not the best and not the worst. They all make really really good money. They all drink a lot! But we went to eat and I was able to hold my own and joke with the guys. One of them, offered to take the full check, but joked about how he accepts cash. Which made me uncomfortable, lime he wasnt really offering to we split ours from the group, and 2 others paid him cash. This was a fancy place, and our server was a badass and genuine guy. The guy that paid left a shitty tip, but we put 20% from our check, so I am glad that we split ours off. When I found out that he tipped 26 bucks on their $600 tab, I started planning to come back with $40 cash the next day, because thats really all I could afford..our tab was only 60 bucks plus tip! Assholes. I was going to bring the 40 in an envelope with a hit of acid for him, but my wife said he may take it negatively somehow, so I haven't/ didn't :/ 
When we got back, I massaged my wife to sleep and began writing this report. 
I started to wonder, did the electromagnetic field produced by my brain and heart mess with my headphones and the elevators or was it all coincidence? I ended up at the elevators right when this man did and only because of my headphones. I wish I was able to make their day better...
All in all it was SO much fun and I felt all of the negativity that had been building up for so long drain out into the sand and the ocean. It was beautiful and I will remember it always.
I'm going to take half in a few days when we go on a hike or something :)
Posted in: Other Psychedelics
Topics: lsd
12 people like this.
it was worth the effort, this trip report is something special
Like November 8, 2019
Alright now you're just being nice!
Like November 10, 2019
Oryx0184 you ever read this? 1f61b.png
Like January 9, 2020
Not until summer then aye? Lol
Like January 9, 2020