by on October 18, 2019
This was just a small portion of my very intense trip but it sticks out the most to me.
I was sitting on my friends trampoline that is placed next to a large open forest and was scrolling through my phone as I was extremely fascinated with the way it worked and how the screen moved. All of a sudden, I could feel something or someone trying to get my attention. There was no sound but I could just FEEL a presence trying to communicate with me. So I dropped my phone next to me and turned around to face the forest and realised the thing that was trying to get my attention was the trees!
At the end of each branch and at the end of each leaf was an eye looking at me and every eye had three triangle like green protrusions spiraling out in a Fibonacci pattern. It was just this crazy realisation/confirmation that yes nature is alive and yes nature is conscious of our being. It was a wonderful reality check!
Posted in: Other Psychedelics
Topics: lsd, acid, trip, nature
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