by on October 16, 2019

This is my first breakthrough experience and encounter with the divine realms on dmt. 

Sitting at my alter, I slowly got all of the necessary materials organized and layed out in front of me. This was most likely around 50mg, with my previous highest dose being somewhere around 25mg. I had tried an failed a week previously, wasting some and only managing to get a uphoric body high similar to a mushroom come-up. In my mind, I had perfected my technique and was ready to take a step further. 

After meditating for a good five minutes, it was time. I loaded the fragrance oil burner, took a deep breath and began to slowly heat the bottom of it to begin the melting process. Instantly the bulb like bowl began to fill up with the universe, and I began to inhale. My plan was to inhale as much of the 50mg as possible in one try, and I'm guessing I only was able to do around 25mg. I held it for around twenty seconds.and exhaled. The room and spaces around me already began to shift and spiral slowly and that ever so familiar ringing/buzzing sound was already ringing throughout my entire body. It was time to take the second hit. 

Oncemore I heat the bowl and inhale more and instantly a sense of dread and terror rush over my body. Goosebumps all across my arms, chilling sensations running up and down my spine. Everything around me was literally breaking apart and spiraling at the same time, it was super overwhelming so I closed my eyes and as I did that I heard a faint voice coming from somewhere that sounded like a woman. Very high pitched and seemingly reassuring because I was contemplating in my mind whether or not I should take another hit. It was almost like she was guiding me to keep going, and the incredible thing is this is the second time this has happened to me with this same voice. The first time was on a very high mushroom trip, where I was also sort of freightened and overwhelmed when all of a sudden a reassuring woman's voice put me into a peaceful trance that calmed me down. I exhaled the smoke. 

Before taking the third hit, I took a deep breath while floating with the beautiful colors and patterns that were moving in my mind. Somehow I managed to pull myself together and found the lighter and began to heat the bowl for the last time. While inhaling I opened my eyes for a split second and my heart dropped, the room that I was once in was completely broken up and and spinning, barely reconginzable to the point that I truly thought I had died and was already a spec of dust floating somehwere among the stars. I closed my eyes and was greeted with an equally overhwelming scene of a flesh like space with large hairs that looked like roots growing from the walls. It was a flesh tunnel, and I was being propelled faster and faster through it and I could literally, physically feel momentum throughout my body.  

All of a sudden, I shot through the left side of the red, flesh-like wall through a tiny hole and time immediately slowed down. Once in the hole, I was among hundreds if not thousands of faces and figures that were waving and speaking to me. These faces also had multiple faces within themselves and it was never ending and each face was highly unique and colorful. For some reason, I was called to this very beautiful woman swaying sort of away from all of the faces and instantly as I thought about the woman, it was like I was a part of her. She looked very similiar to the Sun Goddess Amaterasu who is one of the most revered deities in the Shinto religion, the main religion in Japan. It was like she unlocked the inner star within me and showed me all of the other stars and how we were alike. Never will I forget her face, or the warmth of the sun that her aura gave off. 

Slowly time began to feel weird again, and when I say weird, after the encounters with the intense divine visuals it was almost like I felt homesick...like wherever I just was I had been there before. My room came back to me when I opened my eyes but everything felt really vibrant, and my kitties were around me curious as to what I had just went through. They sensed something and were very weird around me for a few minutes as the effects still lingered. It was like I had just looked within myself, which I am the universe so in that sense I was looking within the universe and everything that encompasses that throughout all of time. After everything looked normal again, I took a bong rip to cure some of my anxiety that I was feeling and that really helped me go into a truly blissful state where I could comfortable reflect on the experience. 

I hope you enjoyed this, I forgot a lot of things about it and I wish you could just remember everything but I feel like I can in a sense, with emotions, feel all of those things that I learned. Finding joy from the beauty of nature, from the playfulness of a cat, from the simple things in life, in my opinion, are some of the ways that bring me this sense of understanding and connectedness with everything. Thank you so much for reading, and mush love <3 

Posted in: DMT, Meditation
Topics: goddess, time, dmt, wisdom, cats
12 people like this.
Thank you it feels good to get my experiences out there..felt like I needed to type them out.
Like October 16, 2019
When I wrote my trip report about my first DMT experience, it really helped me remember some details that I had almost forgotten. When I finished typing it felt like I had just experienced it all again!! Great trip report and thank you for taking the time to write it
Like October 20, 2019
it's all love
Like October 20, 2019
Beautiful. I know the story of Amaterasu well. Wonderful that you met her and that she opened the inner star, the inner light in the cave of yourself. How did you feel when that happened?
Like December 16, 2020