by on October 16, 2019
I had a crazy experience on my second LSD trip when my (at the time) boyfriend and i decided to jike uo a mountain at sunrise and take the tabs on the way up. On our trip up there, I came across a small hill that i needed to climb over and as i got to the top, i thought i was about 50ft up, though, i was only about 2 or 3.
At that moment, i started to panick. As i was panicking, my boyfriend explained, later on, that he had watched what seemed like my soul splitting into every version of my personality, followed by it leaving my body as every past and future personality, leaving behind the one i was now, and formed into a wolf form that proceeded to chase us through a trail, as he though it was a real wolf. (where we lived, there were plenty of animals in the wooded areas.)
He then, fed me a benzodiazepine to kill the trip after i had explained to him there was nothing there, we decided to kill our trips because we realized the anxiety bouncing back and forth between us would only cause us to have an uneasy trip altogether. We settled down and fell asleeo for a bit behind a big tree. When we woke up midday, we returned to town and he then, started to say something about us crossing paths into another dimension, as things seemed to be different about our normal lives after we woke up. At this point we were both sober. To this day, things have not been the same for either of us, in our individual lives.
Can anyone explain what happened to me?
Had something like this happened to anyone else?
Posted in: Other
6 people like this.
We took the same
Like October 20, 2019
He changed as a person, after that trip.
Like October 20, 2019
So did i. everything felt so different.
Like October 20, 2019
T rex ophora
Wow. That intriguing. Some trips can just be life changing. An idea hits your head at just the right time , connections are made in the brain thst never existed before, and just like that your a new human. The old small self is gone and the new is born. But the small self is not the entirety of wh... View More
Like October 30, 2019