by on October 16, 2019
My hubs and his friend have done LSD a few times together, and have had some seriously awesome experiences. Just hearing them describe their space adventures I was so envious! They got to get away and just let their mind the fuck go. As a mother, a stay at home mother to 2 year old twins and a 13 year old, I get no escape. Yes, you can go shopping, or get your nails done, or whatever to get a "break" for an hour, but not to fully, completely soar away, out of your body and mind, and be weird for several hours. And I'm not the "get your nails done" type of female. I wanted an out of this world experience in my memory bank too. So my hubs made it happen. I will forever be grateful for that night. Here we go...
I took all the kids over to grandma's house. This was also the twins' first time spending the night without us. So with being uncomfortably pregnant for 9 months, and dropping everything to care for my newborn twins, it's been a long, long time without thinking of myself, or really BEING myself and caring for myself.
Anyways, I get home, my hubs and his bestest friend are already there, the house was clean, we had a light snack ready before dosing. I took a shower to relax, they had some good reggae music playing when I got back downstairs. So, I am given 2 void realms, hubs takes 5 (he's nuts and has a high tolerance), and our friend takes 3. We just chill, meditate, and let the music roll over us while we wait for the LSD to take us away. After about 45 minutes to an hour, I just start to radiate. I feel like a warm ball of bright orange, yellow, red comforting light. All of my stress. All of the built up sadness. All of the shit that I've dealt with over the past 2 years, just completely melted away. I felt love. I felt safe. I felt secure. Sexy. Tempting, Womanly. Not just a mother! So completely happy with myself. I have not felt that in so long. I kept letting the guys know how much I loved them. The music was so powerful and beautiful. As these melodic vibrations, and beautiful words flowed into my ears, my whole entire being was lifted. I felt as if I was floating. I started to sway and meld into another being. I was left with this beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, sexual feminine soul. I was this sort of mesmerizing goddess that brings forth light and love, temptation and sex, lust and love. Comfort and warmth. Being in the room with 2 very masculine men, who were sounding so guttural, and carnal and natural, and manly, made it so easy to morph into this soft, sensual woman. I danced and I felt their presence, and they were so captivated by my womanly essence. I felt so powerful. So in the moment with these masculine beings. It was so out-worldly, but it felt so perfect and so right. I let myself flow with the music, extending my arms and twirling ever so graciously. Moving my hips and body so fluidly, I felt like the epitome of a magnificent, seductive goddess. Radiating sex and carnal instinct. I felt so alive and happy. Like an endangered sex-craved, thirsty lioness that was released into the wild. I was wild. We were wild. What was once my husband and his friend's "manly" ritual, I brought them the other side of life. The piece that they were missing from their manly world of work, and ego, and stress. I showed them the warm, seductive, sexy side that only a woman can bring into existence. I felt that during our trip, I showed them the real aspect of what it means to be a woman. It showed me what I wanted to be for my husband. Strong, sexy, powerful, curious, wild, free. His warm comfort after a long work day. His place to come home to. His wild, free spirited sex goddess. I just wanted his hands all over me. To lose himself in my womanly spirit. I wanted to take him away, just like he took me away. Use me in the most powerful way. I wanted to be his woman, and he my big strong carnal desire. Our friend ended up leaving (sorry, bro! Lol!) and I was able to finally be one with him. I thought it would feel really weird, but....Oh.My.God....it was magical. There are no words or phrases to describe it that I know of. It was blissful, sexual, sensual, seductive, like cavemen, just raw and bare and natural, no holding back, good old fashioned delicious, fucking delightful sex. The passion came rushing back, the kissing, the grabbing, the yearn for more. It was fucking on another level. So much love. So much fun. We ended the night smoking a few bowls, laying down snuggling, listening to our music and being weird. Lol! It's been a month or so now, and I'm ready for another adventure. Just he and I next time though. I may have embarrassed myself a lil bit, but I don't give a shit. I was free. My soul was free and I never felt so alive. I am still radiating. Thank you, babe. I love you now, and again, and until forever, my crazy, sexy, fucking insane spaceman. 
Hope y'all enjoyed the ride!
Posted in: Other Psychedelics
Topics: lsd
12 people like this.
Jett Lee
What a weird and beautiful thing LSD. Thank you A.Hoffman.
Like October 16, 2019
My thoughts exactly ALX8721!! I finally took a heroic dose of cubes last night, and when it was over she was asking me about the length of the trip, and realized if it WAS a bad trip it would just be a few hours of peak effects. If she was with me though I think she would be fine.
Like October 25, 2019
Hell yah soccer mom
Like October 28, 2019
I'll add that I had a pretty fun drug phase in my younger days, so I was already pretty experienced with psychedelics and what I was in for. This wasn't my 1st rodeo..not sure if your significant others have done anything before 1f609.png
Like October 28, 2019 Edited