by on September 22, 2019

so i extracted some dmt and decided to test a small bit out ...but as i was on my own and as it was my first time  i didn't go too mad (just a small scoop probably 15mg to 20mg) as i had no clue or scales that went down that low at the time . anyway i took a hit and not much smoke came out on exhale but i got that trademark taste and started to feel the adrenaline feeling coming over me , i had another toke which was better and bigger held it in and let it out... as i was letting out the anethstetic feeling got more powerful across my body and the bufferflies in my stomach got more intense ...but felt good just suprised at how quick this came over (i have done numerous other recreational drugs) ..within a few more seconds the knobs on my synthesizer i make music with all started swaying in sync but all seemed to have there own energy as they where swaying from left to right i could see a sort of purple pink neon glow around the edges of them ..with that the keys on my music keyboard started going up and down.. like someone was playing them but with no sound ..this was all a bit freaky but i was enjoying it. by now i told myself not be worried but each time i looked at other objects in the room they would come to life (like i could see the life force that is in "everything") the cables on my equipment loooked like they where moving almost like snakes ..(but it didn't firghten me i used to own a snake)..my vape atomiser tank started spinning in a votrex which was placed on top of my speaker which looked cool .... but this all got a bit much.. as i didnt know how far it was going to go. at one point everything started to vibrate it looked like the legs on my table the walls everything was osscilating with a hum ...this is when i thought WOAH ..i dont think im ready for a breakthrough yet (haha)..so i stood up and walked around to try straighten up a bit ...when i looked at my arms they where wierd seemed like play doh almost alive morphing ...anyway this all then died down a bit but when i looked at the floor ...wow ...my wooden floor looked amazing the floor looked like it had 3 or 4 versions of the floor like 3 or 4d and all morphing but with a sort of transparent purple hue / energy was also there like a layer above or within it ..which was flowing at its own rate and flow and almost neon..after this it re-affirmed my belief in the fact everything has energy in it even solid objects etc and life is infinite and made me worry less about death knowing there is more afterwards...and this was from only a small experience although im pretty down to earth person and was brought up by parents from the hippy generation (and i'm part of the RAVE generation) so im pretty open minded but seeing it feeling it and knowing it through DMT really makes a difference to my life in a possitive way ..for weeks after from time to time .. i would find myself reflecting on things from the past (or what ever) from a truly 3rd person perspective without emotional baggage and looked at things in a totally nuetral way and was at ease with things..these where not necessarily all bad things i was looking at..but it really helped me a lot in my current life too .and im continuining to be more aware of living in the "now" and let go of negative feelings or emotions.... anyway ive had a few more experiences since and will maybe post those.. but thought id share my first .

Posted in: DMT
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