by on September 12, 2019
Trip report- last night my man and i went, i took 3 rig hits and had the most intense experiance of my life. I relived some tramatic memories of my past, i overdosed a long time ago and the feelings i felt, the things that happened all happened again. I felt completely detacted from my body, i felt as if i was floating, couldnt see anything but a bright light, but could hear voices, i could here Roberts voice. It was the exact same feelimg i felt when i was riding in the ambulance being brought back to life. I was scared, overwhelmed, and completely trippin my face off. I saw the reaper reaching his boney arms out for me nd thought he wanted to take me. I saw 3 shadow figures, that seemed to always b watching from a distance, all i could ever see of them was their silouettes of human or unhuman darkness. I saw tiny being moving around the room and hiding in the corners. They were creatures unlike ive ever seem before. If it wasnt for the sound of my mans voice telling me i was ok and that no1 would take me anywhere, i probably would have completely lost my mind. I could feel the overwhelming love i have for him amd it poured out in sooo much emotion, i cryed my eyes out. I thought i was going to die and realized how much i wanted to live. I apologized to him over and over for buggin out while in trip. I felt so overcome w so many different emotions, it was unreal. Buuut with that said im about to get right back on the horse. Even tho it wasnt the best experiance, it was something im going to embrace and learn from. I wanna believe i was meant to go thro those feelings again to become at peace with it. I have so much sadness and hurt buried deep inside my soul that in some way i needed to b able to release them and it just so happened to b while i was trippin. I love you Robert. I cant even begin to tell you how much i needed you and how much i appreciate you being that voice in my ear telling me i was ok. Your my rock and without you im no1. Anyways... Theres no such thing as a bad trip but a learning experiance. I hope you all enjoyed my journey, ill b back to report tonights trip. Happy trippin everyone! Ill see you out there!
Posted in: DMT
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Was it sad and scary the whole time? Did you want it to stop, or did you just accept the doom? What about afterwards, like a half hour later?
Like September 12, 2019
Ernie... It was sad and scary the whole time, it was almost theraputic in a way, allowed me to feel and let go of the experiances and trama i buried for so long. At one point i did want it to stop. I wanted it to stop so bad but my man talking to me and reassuring me i was ok was evvvverything i n... View More
Like September 14, 2019
I know typically the trip isnt suppose to b any longer then 15mins, but i was deffinatly still having visuals for 30 mins, and intense trip for about 15-20mins...
Like September 14, 2019
I m more sensitive than most people as far as trip intensity goes, I can see the bright colorful shapeshifty shit an hour or so after easy
Like September 23, 2019