by on July 30, 2019
Consciousness and reality in a nutshell
What is consciousness? What are we? Where do we come from? These are the main philosophical questions that have been introduced throughout history. I believe I have figured out the answers to these questions with the help of my fiancée and brother. Most people agree that light acts as a particle and a wave. Which in turn means that it has a mass and no mass simultaneously. Everything I’ve studied my entire life has lead back to that one point, light. It is literally the source of all creation. It makes up the entire periodic table of elements that we know of. The matter that things are made of is created in the hearts of stars and these stars from which everything else is created. The great minds of the world have all found missing pieces of the puzzle but i believe I’ve used their pieces and balanced the equation. Creating harmony, two balanced sides of the same thing, simplicity. From what I understand about theoretical physics they believe that there are 10 spatial dimensions. Which may be, but i believe that there are 12. This goes back to sacred geometry. Physicist have been trying to figure out why the universe is speeding up faster and faster than ever before. They haven’t put a finger on the energy force that is pushing the so called empty space further and further apart. But i believe light is the key. From my understanding of physics basically forces of energy act upon matter to push it and the matter is in a constant state of pulling so they help balance each other out perfectly. For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction. The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, just change forms. So all the energy contained in our universe has been and always will be. If everything is made up of these elements of matter and we know these elements are created by light in a sense. Is it so crazy to contemplate that we are light ourselves? That consciousness is light? That we ourselves are energy, just a changed form of that energy? We are made up of the same things that make up the universe just rearranged in a way to where we are able to deduce and contemplate these things. The view I have on light is that it’s constant. That’s been proven time and time again by great minds throughout the world just a different way or form of it. The most notable Einstein’s equation. He proved that mass and energy are the same thing. That the more mass something has and the faster you speed it up closer to light the more energy it creates and that both sides equal the same thing. My understanding of the spatial dimensions is that we can manipulate and control everything up to 3 spatial dimensions and 1 dimension of time. But we are also able to do the same thing to matter of lower dimensions. Would be so crazy to postulate that since we are light, but also matter, that we have the same duality as light does that we can control or create our physical reality(matter)? So let’s look at ourselves in a microscopic view of the universe for a second. Let’s shrink our huge egos down to the scale of an atom, or an electron for that matter. My understanding of how electrons work is that when they gain enough energy a photon jumps to the next orbit around its nucleus and when energy is lost is moves back down an orbit. I believe that these things are controlled by the strong and weak nuclear forces in nature. Two of the forces that govern everything we know. They work on the scale of the very small. Now let’s picture ourselves as this electron. This form of energy and the shells or orbits those photons can jump to and from as our spatial dimensions. Once the electron gains enough energy it will jump to the next dimension or orbit and it will stay there, static, until it loses energy or gains more and makes the jump again. I believe the term that been coined is quantum leap. This is what i believe happens once we die. With us ourselves being light if we create enough energy in our lives then we move to the next higher dimension. Our soul, spirit, energy, light, or whatever you want to call it. I also believe that the opposite can happen that we can fall back down a leap on the scale of life. This coincides with the good and bad that people do in their lifetimes. So in a sense a heaven and hell does exist but heaven being a deeper and more profound understanding of what we are and where we come from and where we’re going. And hell being a loss of energy or momentum of our energy. Which ties consciousness or light into the strong and weak nuclear reactions. Each dimension contains more and more beautiful and profound meaning and explanation of the universe and us because we are the universe just on a smaller scale. Now back to us being us. Some people believe in karma, chakras, and some of the other ancient wisdoms of the eastern philosophies. That everything emits a field and electromagnetic current or field around it. That everything also included us. I believe the fields around everything every form of matter is what allows light to stay constant. That because it acts like both a wave and a particle that it can slip through that tiny minuscule vacuum in between those electromagnetic fields and maintain its same velocity. But all the while it still scatters when it comes into contact with matter. It scatters and creates the physical reality we see in front of us because we are conscious to observe it and try to deduce what it is. I believe on the macroscopic scale it does the exact same thing and that is the reason why this mysterious force that scientists call dark energy is pushing the universe further and further apart creating that space between everything, that vacuum. Without the space it could not happen. Without the space you could not see how connected everything is and how much harmony is really contained within the universe. It looks chaotic from and outside perspective looking in. But once the realization is made that we ourselves are light, a form of energy, that we control our own reality, then anything is possible. I know there is more math and science behind this but this is my theory in the most simple and elegant way i can put it. We are light. And so light is consciousness. They are one in the same. Light is the force that balances out gravity. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle. Once you master these dimensions and become enlightened or aware of the fact of what we truly are then the universe is literally within your grasp. And as you journey through these dimensions you gain understanding and master them then you can control that dimension and all of the dimensions lower than it. I know this idea is out there and it takes a bit of dare i say, belief to understand it. But I am confident that this idea will revolutionize and change this world for the better. This is the next step in our evolution. The next step in our conscious evolution. The world is ready so let it begin. Let the entire world feel the embrace of the light. Let’s heal it and work together in unison and perfect harmony to achieve these dreams just as we’re supposed to. Just as the energy from wind pushes the water to create the force that is a wave just ride it, this beautiful thing called life. Just embrace the beauty of it. The simple fact that we even exist to contemplate these things is the beauty and everyone gets lost in the shuffle of day to day. Just to be, that’s what it’s about. Let the light push you to do good, to love, to help others so that we can make this world a better place and finally find our balance.
Posted in: Other
15 people like this.
What you said here about light and gravity balancing out is really sticking with me. Just toying with ways it could work that might give us more insight on accurately defining mathematics on gravity. Really appreciate your posts.
Like August 4, 2019
I appreciate everyone taking the time to read my theory. But everything else in the universe is constant. Time is the only thing that is a measurement of anything because it’s special to conscious life. The universe is infinite so is everything else in it except us in our little moment in the infini... View More
Like August 4, 2019
Rob i believe the key to finding out why gravity is so much weaker than all of the other forces is by Calculating it as a constant into twelve dimensions not the 10 that they have worked the math out too. Gravity has to be a constant because it’s the only thing that keeps light from escaping. It mak... View More
Like August 5, 2019
Not bad.
Like July 20, 2024