by on October 22, 2024
So this was some years back. The first time I actually smoked DMT.
I packed a glass oil pipe (crack pipe) with a good amount of DMT. I didn’t weight it because who has time for that. But It covered the bottom of the pipe and then some. I used a turbo flame lighter too heat/vapourise the crystal while inhaling. I took a good hit and held it for around 4-5 seconds then boom.
The walls started humming and melting. Before I knew it I was in a dimension that was all black but had colourful electric lines running through it. Pretty cool stuff.
There was an entity in front of me (I recognised him from previous high dose mushroom trips as a little devil being) but this time he looked a little like a praying mantis??
I was gonna freak out a little but he gestured me too calm down with his hands / movements.
The being then showed me what looked like a Birds Eye view of a reality mapped out but it was different too ours. Everything was black except for colourful electrical looking lines running through making up that reality.
It was showing me stuff quite quick but I remember it showing me a Birds Eye’s view of a boat and everyone was rowing but it was like made from dancing electric / energy lines??. Again pretty cool stuff. Looked like a Viking ship.
The mantis being also moved very quickly compared too earths standards. As everything was made of energy and not solid matter.
As I say this was years ago but I thought I’d share it anyway.
Hope you enjoyed.
Safe travels
Posted in: DMT, Cannabis
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