by on March 21, 2024
I was anxious when I started the breath work class. Checking in late, not knowing how to make a zoom call, dialing up a number to get connected sketched me out a bit, meeting people I had never met before. And then when asked to tell a little about myself, I got nervous. I didn't know if I should be discreet or share my name and details about myself. All these thoughts got me filled with anxiety.
So when I started the breathwork, I had to flush out all the distracting thoughts in my head. When I started to breathe and calmed down, I lost myself into a calmness where I thought I had fallen asleep. But I was awake. I just know I had traveled somewhere else. And then I came back. This was just in the beginning.
I got lost in the music and listening to @Shaboy voice I felt like I was floating away. Forgetting to breathe.Forgetting myself.
I closed my eyes and it was dark. But it wasn't pitch black . Some quiet place. Something was going to be created. Was I in a womb? It felt vast.
. Like a place where all things that are thought of, are created. Calm but yet full of energy. Ready to explode into existance. I realized I wasn't alone. Am I here with God? For it being so vast, it felt very loving and cozy.
Then I opened my eyes and saw the universe alive. And it was listening to me. It was listening to my thoughts and the song that was playing, and it was watching me. It was aware that I was working on breathwork, as wanted to better myself.
I remembered to breathe so i started breathing in and out continuously like a loop. And then I realized the universe is always listening. It's always watching. Ready to give you what you want, or what you wish for.
Words and thoughts are very powerful. You are constantly creating your reality. A dreamer, dreaming of an existence as a human.
Am I my own dream? If that's the case, then who is the dreamer? Who am I if not me?
I still need more time to process what I experienced.
What I realized-
Speak only when it's important, and choose your words carefully with intention.. Words have energies and become alive when spoken and weave into your thoughts (like mycelium) and become your reality. Thoughts are alive too. That's where the words you speak come from. Everything is alive. The universe is alive, and listening. I will talk to the universe more and get to know it, Tell it things about me and share thoughts I have. Maybe even become friends
We had several phases in the class, but I kept getting lost. No not lost. Where I was supposed to be. Where I am always, in a place of possibilities. Still. Aware. Dreaming. Creating. Without body. Only thoughts and intention. The womb. The breathwork just took me there.
I'm going to reflect on this, and think about all the decisions I have made in my life that have brought me to this moment. And reflect on where I want to be.
And see if my thoughts and actions are aligned with what I want as my outcome, my dream.
It was very nice to see what other people in the group looked like and sounded like, and hear their experiences.
@HappyKB - such a good heart. You have very good energy and it was great to share that space with you. It's nice to put a person to the posts!
@Shaboy thank you for your guidance. You are an excellent guide. You have a very calm and soothing energy, and very good breathing technique.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this event. It was a good space to be in, and it was everyone's energies that made this space feel as good as it did. You all are very good hearted people with very strong positive energies. So thank you all for being there. One love.
Posted in: Psilocybin, Meditation
6 people like this.
Thank you for sharing. Love the womb perspective. Hope to see you again next time.
Like March 21, 2024
Thanks for sharing, it is beautifull to read your experience ❤️ and thanks for your loving words too, much love ❤️
Like March 22, 2024
oh yes, I will be there! You can count on that!
Like March 23, 2024
Like March 23, 2024