by on January 16, 2024

Trip took off intensely by reconnecting me to the mycelium network, meaning I have been here before but we still have a lot of work to do on you. We indeed miss you. ~Mushroom and Deities

This trip was a hard one for me to process because it was going into the depths of my mind this time. Very much like a 5g journey only much shorter, the music playlist I had going was my Spotify liked station. It went from reggae, to my gangsta rap and more. The shrooms then basically told me your playlist says a lot about you. I started getting emotional when Kendrick Lamar Money Trees started playing, the visuals I had took me back to my old hometown, dealing with the gangs and the fucked up school system that let me and others down. The school system and the poverty that hit my town, and how it was all by design. A once prosperous Avocado town is plagued with a lot of fucked up shit. The lyric that hit me hard the most was the one about looking at the barrel of a loaded gun lives forever. It made me think of the gang members I grew up with and went to school with, how they thought murder was going to fix everything it doesn’t, those victims whether it be opposite gang, ex girlfriends etc. Me being a hustler and getting my way out of the hood was the best thing I did, but on that trip, every one I saw that I knew are dead, gone, deported, locked up who knows…….but my heart just cried of forgiving everyone that has done me wrong and more importantly letting go. Also looked back at my days of dealing, from dealing weed(pre legalization) to shrooms (ethically with the ability to help others in need and proper counseling)…….I was just trying to survive…..getting my hands dirty……and everything…but it was all for a noble cause….i just wanted to make sure my family was going to be ok…….honestly this has been a lot for me to take in, once I was able to move on from that Soulja Boys Kiss Me Thru The Phone started playing and it brought me back happy memories of when me and my wifey first started dating as Bf/gf. How everything was so much better together, even though we have come through a rough background or experiencing trauma us being together has helped up get through some incredibly tough times, the mushrooms reminded me not to let the Matrix get in the way of my happiness. More importantly appreciate my family more than ever…….I acknowledge that I’m not a bad man, a sinner? Absolutely! I have committed every wrong doing I can imagine and the trip showed me a whole reel of my mistakes, more importantly, it showed that God is indeed very forgiving, even though I have disappointed Yahweh and Yeshua, they are at least proud of me that I have acknowledged my wrong doing and that I’m doing my best to improve and more importantly be the best man I can be. I also saw more of ancient Egypt, later on saw AI and other crazy stuff involving us humans being integrated with AI. Meaning we can indeed have the ability to be immortal, but in a way it is hell, immortal suffering?? You don’t get to go to the light?!!! Regardless the choice will be mine once that time comes, but I’m aware of what is to come…..lastly even though I think no one appreciates me, or I go to work looked at as just as a number, I know deep down I’m valued as an individual, even if this world doesn’t value me, I know for hell God and my family will. More importantly to anyone reading this, you won’t fully move on if you don’t forgive those that do you wrong, we are all looped into a cycle of trauma. Only way to break it is being the bigger human at the end of it all! 

Posted in: Psilocybin
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This really resonates with me “More importantly to anyone reading this, you won’t fully move on if you don’t forgive those that do you wrong, we are all looped into a cycle of trauma. Only way to break it is being the bigger human at the end of it all!” Very wise my brother and Im more often struggl... View More
Like January 16, 2024
this journey has really humbled me, honestly, I haven’t felt this good or free in a long time! Also happy to be back into the dosing mode and being winter and dark earlier I can trip more often! Crazy story, I remember many years back one guy I grew up with use to torment me, until I got phy... View More
Like January 16, 2024