Trip Reports
After doing some research on the active compounds in shilajit it lead me to wonder how it could affect a dmt trip since it can possibly affect melatonin, gaba, and serotonin, etc. I mixed a glob of shilajit in hot water. (Took some the previous night before bed too) About 20 mins after finishing the drink i meditated and got my heart rate down. Then I took 2 large puffs off of a dmt cart. That’s it. Idk how but that was the most amazing experience I’ve had yet. On just 2 large puffs. When I came back I said oh wow. And laughed a bunch. Okay so i heard the ringing while I was taking my second hit which isn’t normal for me. I normally take like 3-4 before I set it down. Nope not this time. I asked a question before blasted off. I said. What is on the other side of the veil.  I soon began to float out of my body and into a “room” or “private space” that was filled with 6-8 different entities. I know I have at least met 2 of them already at once. I feel like I’ve been in that room with some of them before but I wasn’t ready or calm enough for take it in. This time I was a lot more excepting. They greeted me and comforted me allowing me to process more and retain it better. I remember them holding out their arms at times to touch me. I could feel them. They calmed me and I seen more than I realized was their.Perhaps the Shilajit didn’t do anything but relax me and allow me to be more receptive. But I honestly think it helped me somehow.
dmt, shilajit, breakthrough, break through, wow!
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