Trip Reports
This journey for me started more than an year ago when they announced this shamanic journey to confection our own Lakota drum. I got very excited about it but ufortunately they had to cancel it and it only happened an year after, at this last Saturday.
We started the journey listening about the four directions, the animals and the elements that represent those directions and the different ways to play for each direction and the elements.
We consecrate the ayahuasca medicine and started making the drums. It's amazing how the spirit of the medicine knows what we need each time we take it. It gave us patience and attention to understand the directions and make the drums. When it was finished we placed them by the fire to dry and had a coffee-break to rest a little and eat something before the ritual start.
The ritual was very beautiful. We consecrated the ayahuasca again and meditated with the medicine while listening to some shamanic songs while our drums were drying up by the sacred bonfire. After a while we used the medicine of the tobacco to align the third eye and the crown chakras
When the drums got dried we consecrated the ayahuasca again and started the ritual of purification and bless of our drums. Each person chose an element to be the main element of it lighting a coloured candle (I chose the green that represents the earth) for it and blessed the drums with the power of the four elements. It was so beautiful and each time I blessed my drum I felt my heart being filled with joy and love.
Then we consecrated the ayahuasca again and started to learn how to play the drum, the meaning of the beats and what they represent. Beautiful!
After that we consecrated the ayahuasca again and laid down for a sananga and rapé sessions. As always, I questioned myself "whyyyyyy???" as I always do after the sananga lol
And to finish this beautiful journey we consecrated the ayahuasca again to play and dance with our drums. Simply amazing!
In the end, we made a circle and everyone said some words about the journey. As always I said something about love and how I made it my guide and guru and finished with a Rumi poem that says we don't need to seek for love but to find and destroy the barriers we've built in ourselves against it.
Again, love being the path, the journey, the answer. :sparkling_heart::sparkles:
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That sounds so beautiful and amazing! I hope that one day I will get the chance to experience the same thing if not something similar. I'm happy for you!
Thanks The_Fiya_Marshall
I'm sure you will experience something similar because this universe always deliver amazing experiences to the ones who seek and surrender to it with love