by on June 7, 2022


My friend (let's call him X.) and I arrive at the camping site of the festival, we set up our tent and go looking for scissors in order to cut our tabs.

X. goes asking a random guy about scissors, the latter tells us he's got a knife, at this point, I already felt I was in a videogame where we found a strange and mystical character. The guy takes his knife and goes with us to the tent, I cut one of the tabs in two and we drop half a tab each.

X was tripping for the first time ever so that was all he had taken. 

I got some more later (0.75 of a tab).

The guy goes away. We leave the camping site that's situated on top in direction of the scene.

I ask X. if we can stay behind the projectors because there's just too much going on and I'm not very comfortable, and that's what we do, I tell him that's probably the best spot. At that point I felt like I was unable to dance even though the music sounded amazing and I started feeling a bit weird, way too grounded. I usually don't dance so it wasn't odd.

Thankfully my friends who were late to the festival came in, I hugged them and I had a small sip of vodka tonic.

Afterwards, we kept listening to the music and moving a little, we met our friends who had done ecstasy, they rolled a joint, I said I won't smoke because I was already tripping balls and was afraid I would get too high. I told them I felt the space bending like I could stretch it with my mind. On our way back, we met the knife guy and cut the other tab. I took it.

We then went back to the tent, going between the tents, I could smell people somehow. We sit. The trees got all fractalised (like Meldelbrot), there was a green kriptonite projector in front of some trees, so those seemed absolutely magical, the flies seemed like dancing according to a specific sinusoidal tragectory, there was so many of them, and the more I looked, the more they were, they seemed like fairies, the stars moved as I moved my head, I could raise my hand towards the sky and translate the stars. The trees were absolutely franctallised and had vivid colors, they seemed to "breathe" (expanding then going back to normal), each set of trees, depending on their proximity of me, had a different color and moved "breathing" differenly.

I told X that I'm imagining wormholes everywhere in the sky like a recurrent image and also with closed eyes. I knew why, it wasn't a hallucination, I have always been fond of 4th dimensional travels.

I could see the musical variations in the movement of the stars. Like when the musical sample is long the stars would draw a long starry segment, and when the sample is short it would draw a small segment, all very smoothly. I saw a sort of grid of intersecting lines of light in the sky.

We went back to the dancefloor and the music was good, I felt it in my soul. I looked directly into the blue lights and told X "I love colors, a lot a lot a lot".

My friend said let's bring our covers/sheets from the car, we went there, and getting away from the music and the lights made the stars so much brighter, and my trip got more and more intense, I saw alien faces in the buches, the proportions of the side of the track seemed so low, and when I would sit it would seem so high. I kept telling my friend that standing and sitting made me feel like I could control my perception of the space so much. He kept being silent. Then I look at him and he touches his eyes, I think he is crying. My mind tells me he is crying because of a stong emotion. I ask him why are you crying? He says he is not and at that moment I look at him and I see all his face covered entirely of colorful shapes and I could project my emotions on it.

I told him I think that emotions are like mathematics, and that they are an range infinite going from 0.00000000(...)01 till infinity. No doubt, I was tripping balls.

We walk and I see below my feet on ground faces that lit up as I walk on them and I realise there are no faces, but there is something alive nonetheless. I gain cosmic consciousness.

Anyway, then we go somewhere darker and my senses get very hightened, I could hear better. I felt exactly in a place I always imagined in my waking dreams.

There was grass below, and a forest in front of us, I told X that I think the more we advance in the forest, the more the creatures we could meet have specific features (like cryptids), for example, at a certain darkness,we could find creatures that hear well, and at a more advanced level of darkness we could probably find creatures that hear very very well and that have special abilities.

We lay down and look at the stars, I turn around and see with a fish-eye like vision the whole place turning on itself, I could follow any road with my eyes and see where it led.

Then I really felt like going deeper into the forest but I had no idea if we could. The sound people were making started becoming annoying, so we came back.

I told my friend "I've told so many random people that I love them today but I forgot to tell the most important person, who is you, I love you", then we came across the knife guy and his friend, they said let's go dance and all, we went there, I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the things happening and couldn't dance or move, it was like I was absorbing all the good energy and enjoy it only through my mind, but my legs and arms weren't really functionable, we sat, I was thinking and thinking, and drawing mentally my distance to the speakers thinking I should stand somewhere where the sound would be ideal for me.

Then we went back to the dancefloor and shared a joint with our friends, I still couldn't dance, I felt very grounded, it was around 3 or 4 am but it felt to me like the sky was getting brighter, like it was 6am or so and I got scared that the trip would end so I looked again into the blue projectors and there I was feeling it again. 

It got too much, we sat in the middle of the dance floor just vibing calmly and then we got back to the tent, and there was another tent in front of us, I see it moving and I was uncomfortable about people having sex in front of me, at some point my level of chill attained a peak, I felt like a buddha, and someone came out of the tent, I thought maybe someone orgasmed and I felt that energy as enlightenment.

There were some images projected about many things and I could get them, there was something about the bauhaus movement, somethings about data, cyborgs, the vatican, and at some point I felt a huge disgust,I told X I really hate corporations, pornography, humans trafficking. But the acid was hitting him so much I think he felt unable to articulate.

Afterwards, I started seeing everything so small, really it was more than fish eye, like everybody, the scene, could fit inside a tomogochi screen, and I felt like I live in a cyborg world, even the stars had colored squares around them, got pixellised.

My brains was all fired up, I was thinking about the diffirent cultures, I saw people as characters, everything felt INTERESTING and stimulating to my mind.

I'm not going to lie, I felt a hint of satanism in the air, and I also noticed that they centered the trash bin inside the dancefloor. I was also a bit repulsed from the people drinking alchol and then I thought that that was a celebration, and it could be a positive one, like celebrating a success, or celebrating life or simply being happy.

At that time me and X were sitting in the tent.

After a while, the sun started coming up, we were on the dance floor, I was feeling bliss

The sun came up, verything became brighter (almost too bright for me) but seeing that the mountains still looked exactly like when I saw them in Makthar, where I'm doing my end of studies project, I thought to myself "life will still look good after an acid trip".

I won't lie, I am aware that such a dose of serotonin could be the answer to why I felt all that, but I would surely say that acid reset my mind and suppressed my depression (a strong one) and anxiety (a mild one). After percieving life the way I did, I could only feel grateful to be alive.


Posted in: Other Psychedelics
Topics: acid, cannabis