by on December 27, 2021

In anticipation for an upcoming NYE vacation to Denver, I wanted to dip my toes in on the MDing side of lysergimides to see how much I would want to take while out seeing some cool things (in particular -

So while I've taken 1p-lsd (and ald52 and al-lad) several times and am comfortable taking it, I've actually never taken a lower dose than 50ug of 1p-lsd. Out of curiosity, I started low on Christmas eve. Using an exacto knife and some geometry, I cut myself a little bit of a blotter that I am convinced should be ~15ug.

15ug! Surely this will be nothing. And if it's something, I can't expect much. Probably a waste of time for anything under 20, 25...




10:40am - take my little triangle of acid, letting it fall apart on my tongue as the paper does, eventually swallowing it with a glass of water after 5 minutes. I wait, make myself a cup of tea, and aimlessly browse reddit and watch a youtube streamer make fun of a debate previously recorded between two other youtube streamers; just trying to waste some time while I wait.


11:25 - I notice that I am not really able to engage with the video. I have an urge in me. "I should go do something productive; something creative" I think to myself, becoming increasingly bored at the entire idea of watching meta conversation of a debate I never cared to watch itself. I start to fidget, noticing I can make a funny nose rubbing my water glass against my PJ pants.


11:30 - the body language of the debater becomes increasingly odd to me. He's clearly uncomfortable. I would be as well in his position. The debate topic is gross. Another 5 minutes pass, and I become fed up with continuing to watch this whatsoever. Fuck it, let's go do something.

I need a haircut, let's go take a shower and cut my hair (I've been cutting my own hair for about a decade, totally normal task for me).


11:35 - I look at the weather app on my phone as I think about what clothes to wear to my family dinner later. Wait... that's way too saturated. And the contrast is up. And the numbers on the screen look slightly lifted. "Am I getting visuals, even remotely anything close to visuals, on 15ug? Wild." I think to myself, entertained at what may or may not be placebo.

I take a shower and start to prep for cutting my hair. My wife comes home! I expected her soon, she had gone off to the gym before I dosed. I graciously allow her to use the shower before I cut my hair. After her shower, I start chatting with her about what I should wear to dinner, how her workout was, normal conversation.


"Did you dose?" She asked. I had told her of my plans to try 15ug and 25ug before our NYE trip.

"Can you tell?" I said, surprised that my behavior would be off enough for her to suspect anything.

"You seem like you had an extra cup of coffee. You're very chatty!"

She was right, I felt like I had had an extra cup of coffee. A smooth, calm productive energy was compelling me.


I do some quick sweeping while my wife finishes up in the bathroom. I listen to Bach while I sweep. I never listen to Bach! But why not, it sounds fun. It felt triumphant.

I spend the next hour or so cutting my hair, switching to a much more "me" Christmas jazz playlist. While cutting my hair and in the post haircut shower, I note persistent uncharacteristic thoughts. I described them in my trip notes as "positive constructive analytic thoughts". Ranging from how to improve projects at work to how I can dedicate more time to my hobbies. A general desire to be productive, and to do things I enjoy, and enjoy what I do.


2:20pm - I go on a walk with my wife and dog. I discuss what I've experienced thus far, being amazed at what a positive mental shift such a small amount of LSD can make. We discuss dosing in general, I quote Shulgin to her, the complexities of set and setting. I explain to her the "nocebo" concept that even if you're told you are taking a placebo, it can still work, noting the tremendous power of the mind. We have a great time.


2:50 - we return, and notice that a lightbulb on the house is burnt out. No matter. I grab a bulb and the ladder, and she steadies it for me. And then, the craziest part of the MD experience to me happens: I walk up the ladder, and I feel no fear about the height whatsoever. Usually I get a bit vertigo, almost not being able to bare getting onto the roof itself. But I felt absolutely fine. I tell my wife and she is just as blown away as I am, even daring me to walk higher up the ladder. I do and feel fine. Amazing. I enjoy the view of the neighborhood for a moment and come down.


Afterwards I do some more chores and notice the energy and mental shift gradually drop off. Being fully at baseline by 4pm.

All in all, I am incredibly impressed at what a shift in my mood, energy, creativity, and problem solving such a minuscule dose could make. A tremendously positive experience from start to finish.


In the next few days, I'll be trying 25ug and I am excited to see what surprises this beautiful chemical has waiting for me next.

Posted in: Other Psychedelics