Trip Reports
After I got home from visiting family I was ready to finally try my well done harvest of PE6. Keep in mind the potency is higher than average like other P.E's. I weighed out my amount and decided to do double the amount of a regular dose of a PE. Wanted to go for the full ride since it has been awhile that I did these. I ate my well dried and crunchy mushrooms while drinking orange juice to ease it down. My fiancee had Criminal Minds playing because it was still Halloween and she wanted to watch the new season. I don't know the number specifically but it was fitting for the evening. While I was in a good mindset and enjoying myself me and my fiancee got a call from my mom in law. She was very frantic because my father in law started having bad come up and then ended up having to vomit. That then gave me paranoia since I forgot to ask my father in law if he had any alcohol before. Apparently he did but a day ago but it could be a sensitive stomach. After hearing my fiancee speak Mayan between her and my mom in law the shrooms really kicked in and I to had a bad come up but since I'm use to it no vomiting occurs. Keep in mind I ate 4.1g of PE6 and my father in law being a first time and wanting to go all in ate 2.1g which is a standard dose. After he recovered he ended up seeing a bright lighting flash and some other interesting stuff I have to follow up on. Hopefully it will help him down the road. Now for my trip by itself the conversation stopped and I saw different patterns on the carpet, machine elf like creatures on the wall, lots of wavy and goopy looking colors it was intense. My fiancee then wanted to wax me and of course being on that amount having hot wax poured on you and then pulled off increases the sensitivity of the trip. I couldn't stop laughing and I was overanalyazying every episode of Criminal Minds that night. Like no kidding. It was like being apart of the show almost. I ended up getting philosophical and started being grateful for everything in my life. Grateful for nature and been given visions to look ahead. I also love how my love keeps finding ways to mess with me and get me to laugh. There was even a moment where I noticed that my fingers became like noodles and when I tried to give my baby girl a foot massage I felt like it was a dead fish or rubber. The out of body experience was real and I felt like the mushroom wanted to play with me. It was a very mischievous person. From Machine Elves smiling at me in a non-creepy way of course to patterns and epiphanies it was in no doubt an experience. I got real close to my little girl "Little Moon" and started petting her and being with her. She gave me passionate kisses and I felt a huge love bomb drop on me. I started to cry and get sensitive. I have never been more than loved until I met my little daughter with fur and four legs. Eventually I went to lay down in the dark with my fiancee I just simply had an honest conversation about everything in our life. It felt good to bond and also felt happy that my father in law wanted to pursue change and fight the demons he has had dealt with before. I told them that is why I advise not to go above the recommended amount for your personal self. Reason why I gave them my extra scale. If feel even more connected with my family and that now a days is more important. The mushroom even encouraged me to stand for my beliefs. It told me that the government is bad because nature is made illegal but vaccines and man made medicines with a higher addiction rate aren't? Even mandated! It told me that we as a people in America are not actually free because they don't want us to have the freedom to explore our mind and spiritually connect. They even want to take away our God given right to protect our families with guns for crying out loud. All of those thoughts pieced together told me to stand up for what is right. I looked at my family photos to and the mushroom even spoke to me that I have something more important than a degree. I have a family, roof over my head, a decent job who respects my decision on not being forced vaccinated. I have all the other ones. I simply don't trust the unwanted side effects. My coworker almost died from it. On top of it I have time to work on it that I can make a life out of it by creating educational content for everyone that wants access to this amazing mind and body medicine. Gourmet mycology done simple is on my list to along with different species, microscopy study, microscopy viewing of Agar and so much more! After having all of these positive thoughts and goals I feel like I have found my passion and sticking with it. Once I returned back to my body I was cuddling next to my fiancee and told her how much I love her and how thankful I'm to have her. I then went to sleep peacefully knowing that my hardwork has paid off with this research study and being able to offer my family the fruits of their people with a regular refill brings me joy and happiness. I'm also glad I went along for the journey to reassure my mom in law that everything was going to be ok since I did double the amount the same night. It only helped me connect with my in laws more. This trip has been the most intense one I have had in a long time and was perfectly planned on a holiday like Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos. I encourage everyone to take a high dose on that specific holiday. You won't regret it and it may help you out! As for growing PE6 I give it a 10/10 for potency, Leucistic fruits, aggressive growth, great introduction to PenisEnvy strains with a printable cap. Don't underestimate this is powerful and it will definitely put you in your place with a punch to the stomach and a out of body surrender experience.
Posted in: Psilocybin
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