by on October 11, 2021

Community question : how do you work yourself out of a bad trip& on what substance?
So after a lot of the intense negative not me thoughts in a bad trip from mushies last night I really needed to hear this this morning.

Posted in: Psilocybin
Topics: bad trip
8 people like this.
I find for that for myself, the bad trips might get a little rough... But they have always served a purpose and shown me some things I've been avoiding.
Like October 12, 2021
If it’s from too much LSD, Benadryl does wonders.
Like November 14, 2021
Face it
Like November 14, 2021
I recently had a bad one that reminded me of something I had long since burried in my mind. I decided to write every detail about it so I could understand it better later on.
Like November 14, 2021