by on May 23, 2019
Firstly, some context. It was near to midnight, I was with two 'friends?' I say friends loosely, one of them I went to school with, the other I bought drugs off. We were in a small woodland area and everything was pretty surreal.
Casually my friend whips out some salvia and offers it around, school friend refuses, but me being the curious bitch I am had to try it.
I'd never heard of salvia before, he just told me to smoke it all in one go and hold my breath for atleast 20 seconds. It tasted like ass, I also had it mixed with ritalin in the pipe, which didn't help.
I almost instantly felt like a switch had been flicked on in my head, like the 'lightbulb moments' portrayed in cartoons. I stood up, not really me deciding that was what I wanted to do, it just kind of happened? Either way, I felt weightless, i lost all concept of space, time and gravity.
I led down on the floor, suddenly I was freezing, so I sort of curled up into a ball to insulate myself.
Then I started getting visuals, my eyes felt open and closed at the same time and I was completely numb. It's very difficult to explain the visuals I had, but I'll try and explain. Picture dominoes tumbling into each other, never ending. It was like that, but the dominoes started off as a house, then when I focused more, became a brick, a rock, gravel, sand, all the way down to atoms, just endlessly tumbling and getting smaller.
I felt as though I was one of the 'dominoes' but I couldn't figure out who I was. This was when i started to panic. I realised that I couldn't move or open my eyes.
I had an inner monologue that somehow didn't feel like it belonged to me, telling me that I should say my name, to find out which one I was. My friends told me afterwards that I began mumbling sounds that almost resembled my name, I couldn't get the words out properly the first couple of times, eventually I got it right and then began shouting my name until I could open my eyes.
I started feeling unreal, as if life was just a simulation, and I haven't really been able to shake that feeling since.
Overall I was terrified, and it left me feeling very empty and small for a while afterwards, atleast until the craving and desire to experience that again kicked in.
Posted in: Salvia Divinorum
Topics: trip, bad trip
14 people like this.
Madness. Tried it on the weekend. Embodied an 18th century woman. Weirdest fucken experience of my life hahaha. None of my curiosity about it has been fulfilled am just more curious now.
Like May 23, 2019
Way to recall as much as you did.
Like May 23, 2019
I tried smoking 60x salvia extract once or twice, years ago. I had the feeling I was being pulled out of the back of my head, whilst the room in front of me folded up in a concertina like fashion, I fought it profusely, which is maybe why it wasn't a nice experience, haven't touched the stuff since,... View More
Like May 23, 2019
Thx @Sev for sharing. Most of the stories I have heard involve horrifying aspects to the trip. For some reason I am still drawn to salvia. Have you tried it since? Aside from the paralysis and subsequent panic, any other bad symptoms? I learned that it can make you nauseous and sweat profusely but h... View More
Like January 17, 2020